I haven't heard an update on this, although I do think that Google
Code is the right tool for the job here.
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:05 AM, Roderic Page<r.page(a)bio.gla.ac.uk> wrote:
> Did anybody make a decision about moving to Google Code? How about we do
> this ASAP as the fact we can't keep http://lsids.sourceforge.net running is
> making us look more than a little foolish.
> I'd be happy to move stuff across so long as however is an admin on the
> SourceForge account is on the ball and approves using the same name...
> Regards
> Rod
> On 16 Aug 2009, at 00:16, Aaron Steele wrote:
>>> Are there any non-US countries that offer services like Google and
>>> Sourceforge but don't distinguish based on the host address? Users in
>>> these countries can easily get around these restrictions anyway using
>>> Tor for instance, but that isn't the point.
>> I have no knowledge of viable non-US project hosting services.
>> _______________________________________________
>> tdwg-tag mailing list
>> tdwg-tag(a)lists.tdwg.org
>> http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-tag
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Roderic Page
> Professor of Taxonomy
> Graham Kerr Building
> University of Glasgow
> Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
> Email: r.page(a)bio.gla.ac.uk
> Tel: +44 141 330 4778
> Fax: +44 141 330 2792
> AIM: rodpage1962(a)aim.com
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1112517192
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/rdmpage
> Blog: http://iphylo.blogspot.com
> Home page: http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/rod.html
Sent from Berkeley, CA, United States
Hi All,
Gail Kampmeier just called my attention to the fact that
http://lsids.sourceforge.net/ is not resolving properly (results in an
error: "Cannot find configuration. This file is probably executed from the
wrong location." -- whatever the hell that means). Is it now necessary to
link to http://sourceforge.net/projects/lsid/ instead?
The reason this came up is that, following an earlier (and still extant?)
TDWG recommendation/best practices, I include the orange "LSID" icon next to
the LSIDs as displaye don the human-readible ZooBank pages. For example:
Immediately to the right of the LSID you'll see the icon. I made this icon
a link to the sourceforge site (which I guess I should now change to
http://sourceforge.net/projects/lsid/) Is this still an appropriate use
of, and link for, the icon? Should the link do something else (like return
Thoughts, insights welcome!
Richard L. Pyle, PhD
Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences
and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology
Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum
1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817
Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252
email: deepreef(a)bishopmuseum.org
Dear TAGers
Donald has been asked if TDWG could produce "a one-page outline for ontology
components to support biodiversity informatics" for inclusion in the
e-Biosphere 2009 report.
As the TAG contains the brains of TDWG on this (and many other) subjects,
your help on this task would be greatly appreciated.
I have created a Wiki page where this outline can be developed-
Lee Belbin
TDWG Secretariat
From: Donald Hobern [mailto:dhobern@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 7 August 2009 11:22 AM
To: Greg Whitbread; 'Roger Hyam'; leebel(a)netspace.net.au; Stan Blum;
Subject: FW: Biodiversity Informatics Outlook
A one-page outline of requirements for ontology components to support
biodiversity informatics is required for inclusion in the final e-Biosphere
report and TDWG has been given the responsibility for developing it. I am
checking on the exact nature of this, but can I call on you to contribute?
From: Edwards, James [mailto:EDWARDSJL@si.edu]
Sent: Friday, 7 August 2009 8:37 AM
To: eBioSC(a)eol.org
Cc: Mason, Dawn
Subject: Biodiversity Informatics Outlook
Dear Steering Committee members -
I recall your attention to David Schindel's message below about developing
the prospectus for the first Biodiversity Informatics Outlook. In point 4
David provides a workable outline for developing the document, which is
scheduled to be discussed at the GBIF Governing Board meeting at the
beginning of October and at the TDWG meeting in November.
GBIF has informed us that in order to give Governing Board members time to
read and evaluate the Outlook document, it would need to be in GBIF's hands
by the end of August. Therefore, I seek your help in preparing the document.
We already have much of the language needed for much of the document. Where
we still need input is in the following areas. I have taken the liberty of
assigning individuals or organizations to prepare these sections of the
BI landscape and survey results (5 pages)-Bonnie Carroll and Meredith Lane
Ontologies (1 page)-TDWG
Registries (1 page)-GBIF
Taxonomic foundation and global names architecture (1-2 pages)-GNAAP, CoL
Outreach to specified sister communities (1 page)--??
Citation/impact measurement system for BI data and services (1 page)-Vishwas
Communications mechanisms (1 page)-David Schindel
Other initiatives coming from the community in response to the call for
expressions of interest-unfortunately, we do not yet have any such
initiatives. As of today, no one has provided any expressions of interest in
bringing new topics to the discussion. What else should we do to induce
other groups to get involved? Or should we give up on the other groups and
just go ahead on our own?
All other sections (5 pages)-I will pledge to assemble these.
Please provide feedback on this proposed approach to developing the outlook
prospectus and let me know if you or your organization will be able to
produce the requested material by 27 August.
-- Jim
Dr. James L. Edwards
Executive Director
Encyclopedia of Life
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 106
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Phone: 1 202 633 8730
Mobile: 1 571 230 4098
Fax: 1 202 633 8742
Email: edwardsjl(a)si.edu
From: Schindel, David [mailto:schindeld@si.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:01 PM
To: eBioSC(a)eol.org
Cc: Mason, Dawn; Fritzsche, Meg; Jett, Kristin; Trizna, Michael; Balla,
Subject: Prospectus for Biodiversity Informatics Outlook
Dear Colleagues,
Based on our conference call today, I propose that the Steering Committee do
the following next steps in developing the e-Biosphere roadmap:
1. Finalize the workshop Resolution
2. Jim sends out a general announcement of:
a. The post-Conference website
b. The workshop Resolution
c. An interim communications plan (use the OCC for now, to be replaced
d. A call for expressions of interest by initiatives and/or
institutions willing to lead components of the roadmap
3. Re-constitute the membership of the e-Biosphere Steering Committee
to include initiatives and institutions willing to lead components of the
roadmap. Each component leader would be asked to complete the brief
description of the proposed activity using a template like the one Tom
Orrell proposed during the workshop. Examples of components of the roadmap
a. Ontologies (TDWG)
b. Registries (GBIF)
c. Taxonomic foundation and global names infrastructure (EOL, CoL,
d. Outreach to specified sister communities
e. Biodiversity Informatics Outlook
f. Citation/impact measurement system for BI data and services
g. Communications mechanisms
h. Other initiatives coming from the community in response to the call
for expressions of interest
4. Develop a draft first volume of the Biodiversity Informatics
Outlook, to be released at the GBIF Governing Board (October 2009) and TDWG
(November 2009) meetings. This volume would be the first iteration of the
BI roadmap and would provide a rough baseline against which progress could
be measured. Contents of the Outlook would be:
a. Introduction to BI and e-Biosphere (1 page)
b. Background on and results of e-Biosphere 09 Conference (1 page)
c. BI landscape and survey results by Bonnie and Meredith (5 pages)
d. Background and Resolution of the e-Biosphere Workshop (3 pages)
e. One-page descriptions of the components of the BI roadmap, either
under construction or planned (~10 pages, see list under item 3, above)
I will provide you with a report of the results of my discussions with
CBOL's new website developer and their suggestions for a community-building
Best regards,