
October 2008

  • 9 participants
  • 9 discussions
Future management of the TAG
by Roger Hyam 03 Nov '08

03 Nov '08
Re: [tdwg-tapir] Updates and plans
by "Markus Döring (GBIF)" 16 Oct '08

16 Oct '08

15 Oct '08
RESTful TAG meeting in Fremantle?
by Roger Hyam 13 Oct '08

13 Oct '08
Recent DiGIR service disruption
by Dave Vieglais 08 Oct '08

08 Oct '08
State of biodiversity services
by Roderic Page 07 Oct '08

07 Oct '08

06 Oct '08
[tdwg-tapir] Updates and plans
by Renato De Giovanni 06 Oct '08

06 Oct '08
TAG Roadmap for 2008 - Job vacancy!
by Roger Hyam 03 Oct '08

03 Oct '08