Hello TDWGers,
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas in Fort Worth has a job opening for a biodiversity informatician open now. Details of this job posting are located on BRIT’s website, under About/Employment, on this page: http://www.brit.org/about/employment and below is a brief summary. Please forward to any colleagues who might be interested.
Biodiversity Informatician
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas seeks a full-time researcher to work in the area of biodiversity informatics beginning as soon as possible. We seek a creative individual with experience conducting research using biodiversity informatics preferably involving plant information. The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. and experience generating and managing competitive research grants resulting in peer-reviewed publications. Training in botanical systematics and work within an herbarium is desirable but not required. Submit curriculum vitae; three letters of reference; top publications; specific statements about training, research accomplishments and objectives; and leadership experience, to: kbarfield(a)brit.org. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Selection of applicants will be made through assessment of: 1) training/expertise, 2) research accomplishments and objectives, 3) competitive grant acquisition experience, 4) references, and 5) leadership.
Jason Best
Biodiversity Informatician
Botanical Research Institute of Texas
1700 University Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
817-332-4441 ext. 230
Apologies for any cross posting.
1st International Workshop on
Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BIODIV)
Held in parallel with
the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2013)
Montpellier, France, May 26/27, 2013
The semantic Web standards, tools, ontologies and related technologies have considerably grown in maturity in the recent years. Nowadays, accessing a wide catalog of biological, social, environmental, ecological data sources allows supporting the Biodiversity stakeholders to resolve their complex questions. Will the real time access to web resources efficiently support the definition of strategies to conserve and manage biodiversity? How semantic web technologies could help handling the complex and heterogeneous big data related to Biodiversity?
The workshop aims at indentifying the key challenges faced by the bioinformatics community, discuss the solutions and identify the opportunities emerging from the trans-disciplinary interactions (Plant Science Ð Informatics). Therefore, we expect the bioinformatics experts to explain how they apply semantic web standards and tools to their scientific topic, from Biology, Agro-ecology, Genomics, Environment, to Social Sciences, Citizen Sciences.
Research papers presenting various aspects of Semantic Web technologies applied to Biodiversity data, ranging from position papers to implemented systems description and their evaluation, will be selected. We are particularly interested by the use of the semantic technologies to design, develop systems that supports research on Biodiversity conservation and management for food security, (like the strategies for resilience to climate change pressure, sustainability of productive ecosystems, ecosystems services monitoring, territories management, etc.), rather than systems only supporting research on climate patterns, soil erosion, and the potential consequences on biodiversity.
Scientific themes of interest (include but are not limited to):
* sustainable agriculture,
* plant,
* health and habitat,
* relationship between plant-pests/pathogens,
* usages of plants by community,
* biodiversity conservation,
* ecosystems services,
* quality of biodiversity data.
Informatics technologies of interest (include but are not limited to):
* ontology applications,
* knowledge engineering,
* linked biodiversity data,
* remote sensors,
* mobile devices,
* vizualization tools,
* data mining.
Authors are invited to submit electronically original contributions in English. Authors must send a pre-submission abstract not exceeding 500 words at s4biodiv2013(a)ird.fr. Authors will receive a mail indicating of their abstract has been selected by the Scientific Committee for a full paper submission.
Submitted papers should not exceed 15 pages for long papers and 8 pages for short papers and must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines.
Submissions will only be accepted in the PDF format. Submissions must be realized through the easychair system at
Pre-submission inquiry deadline: February 24, 2013
Submission Deadline: March 4, 2013.
Notification: April 1, 2013
Camera ready: April 15, 2013.
Workshop day: May 26/27, 2013.
Proceedings of the workshop will be published online at CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org) The best paper presented at the workshop will be included in the supplementary Springer LNCS proceedings of the ESWC2013 conference. Furthermore, a selection of papers presented at the workshop will be invited to be revised and extended version for a second peer-review process targeting publication in a referenced journal.
The workshop will take place in Montpellier, May 26/27, 2013.
Please visit the website for more information:
Pierre Larmande (IRD - UMR DIADE, France) (Chair)
Isabelle Mougenot (UMII Ð UMR Espace DEV, France)
ThŽrse Libourel (UMII Ð UMR Espace DEV, France)
ClŽment Jonquet (UMII Ð LIRMM, France)
Elizabeth Arnaud (Bioversity International, France) (Chair)
Manuel Ruiz (CIRAD - UMR AGAP, France)
Pierre Bonnet (CIRAD - UMR AMAP, France)
Richard Bruskiewich (Bioversity International, Italy)
Pascal Neveu (INRA - UMR MISTEA, France)
Joel Sachs (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
Julie Chabalier (Natural Solutions, France)
Cyril Pommier (INRA - URgi Ð Ephesis, France)
Mark Wilkinson (Polytechnic University of Madrid, and University of British Columbia)
Konstantin Todorov (UMII - UMR LIRMM, France)
Pankaj Jaiswal (Oregon State University, USA)
Xavier Sirault (CSIRO, Autralia)
Caterina Caracciolo (FAO , Italy)
Lieke Verhelst (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Damian Gessler (Iplant collaborative, USA)
Nikos Manouselis (Agro-Know, University of Alcala, Grece)
ƒamonn î Tuama (GBIF, University of Copenhagen , Denmark)
******************Please excuse the cross postings******************
Join NISO/DCMI for our joint January webinar
--Webinar: Translating the Library Catalog from MARC into Linked Data: An
Update on the Bibliographic Framework Initiative
--Date: January 23, 2013
--Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time - UTC 18:00:00) (World Clock:
--Event webpage: http://www.niso.org/news/events/2013/dcmi/bibframework/
In May 2012, the Library of Congress announced a new modeling initiative
focused on reflecting the MARC 21 library standard as a Linked Data model
for the Web, with an initial model to be proposed by the consulting company
Zepheira. The goal of the initiative is to translate the MARC 21 format to
a Linked Data model while retaining the richness and benefits of existing
data in the historical format.
In this webinar, Eric Miller of Zepheira will report on progress towards
this important goal, starting with an analysis of the translation problem
and concluding with potential migration scenarios for a broad-based
transition from MARC to a new bibliographic framework.
Eric Miller is co-founder and president of Zepheira, which provides
solutions for managing information across boundaries of person, group, and
enterprise. Until 2007, Eric led the Semantic Web Initiative for the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at MIT and was one of the key leaders in the
development of the Resource Description Framework and other Semantic Web
technologies. Prior to his work at W3C, Eric was a Senior Research
Scientist at OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. in Dublin, Ohio,
where he served as the co-founder and Associate Director of the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative.
Registration closes one hour before the webinar begins.
For more information and to register, visit the event webpage: