>From Chris Freeland-
Registration is now open for TDWG 2010 Annual Conference in Woods Hole,
Massachusetts, USA, 26 September to 1 October 2010. Visit the conference
web site for details, a link to registration, and to reserve accommodations:
This year's conference program has been organized in response to the survey
of attendees from 2009 in Montpellier, France. You can find the preliminary
program online at:
The specific points we've addressed this year include:
* Providing opportunities for more presentations from more presenters. We
have opened the program via this call & have added a round of Lightning
Talks so that more people within our community can tell you about the
fascinating work they're doing.
* Finding a balance between time allotted for plenary sessions, parallel
sessions, and working groups.
* Combining an excursion with a 2-day biodiversity survey featuring a
variety of activities. More details on the biodiversity survey will follow.
* More time during coffee & lunch breaks to allow for side discussions.
To submit an abstract for this year's conference, please follow the
instructions at:
Please direct questions to Chris Freeland (tdwg2010 [at] gmail.com or
chris.freeland [at] mobot.org) or Anna Weitzman (editor [at] tdwg.org)
Chris Freeland
Programme Chair, TDWG2010
Director, Center for Biodiversity Informatics, Missouri Botanical Garden
Lee Belbin
TDWG Secretariat
Hi all,
The GBIF development team is expanding, and seeking Java developers.
Information about the positions and application procedure can be
found: http://www.gbif.org/communications/news-and-events/showsingle/article/the-g…
During the coming months, we will initiate an evolution of the GBIF
Data Portal (http://data.gbif.org) and this is an exciting opportunity
to apply the TDWG standards in practice, in collaboration with the
GBIF Network partners.
Assistance disseminating this message is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Dear Friends and Members of TDWG
Registration for TDWG 2010 at Woods Hole, USA (September 26 - October 1) is
now open at http://www.regonline.com/tdwg2010.
As the arrangements are significantly different this year, PLEASE look at
the accommodation options and other details at
http://www.tdwg.org/conference2010 before registering.
TDWG 2010 promises to be a great meeting with a different format. On behalf
of the TDWG Executive Committee, we look forward to seeing you all in Woods
Lee Belbin
TDWG Secretariat