Hi folks,
Raïssa asked that I make you all administrators of the GBWG repository in GitHub so you can e.g. categorise issues.
I am happy to do so, but I need your GitHub handles.
For anyone who would like to participate in this, please send your GH handle directly to trobertson(a)gbif.org<mailto:trobertson@gbif.org> and I will do this.
Please be aware you’ll receive an invitation from GH by email that you need to accept. I can see e.g. Pier has not accepted his.
You can probably also accept it here: https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/settings/access
Dear all,
Thank you all for the productive meeting.
To avoid meeting conflicts with GBWG (e.g. 23rd of March), we suggest shifting our regular meetings by one week. If there are no objections, we would thus have the next meeting one week from today (2021-03-02T16:00Z). I’ll send an updated Zoom invite by Friday.
Below, please find sections with a summary of today’s meeting and next steps.
For extended meeting notes, please see our running minutes document [1].
John kindly did a complete run-through of the DwC to MIxS core mapping and captured it both in our mapping spreadsheet [2] and issue tracker [3]. In today’s meeting we’ve started to discuss any uncertainties around these mappings:
Issue 13 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/13> The definition of depth in MIxS core is “Please refer to the definitions of depth in the environmental packages” which impedes appropriate mapping. We will add an issue about this on the GSC issue tracker to prevent this carrying over to MIxS V6.
Issue 14 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/14> MIxS V5 does not offer an ID for altitude. This has been added for MIxS V6.
Issue 28 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/28> While most MIxS terms specify a constrained value syntax, many of the mapped DwC terms are supposed to be verbatim. We will have to be mindful of this when choosing the mapping predicates, which may change depending on the direction of the mapping (e.g. see issue 15 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/15>). We will also add a column to the mapping spreadsheet to capture this.
Most of the terms in the MIxS environmental packages are either redundant with those in MIxS core, or orthogonal to DwC and thus don’t require additional mapping. Before reviewing this in detail, Bill has kindly offered to generate a release of the MIxS environmental packages containing only the non-redundant terms and link it on our issue tracker.
We’ve additionally addressed issue 24 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/25> and issue 25 <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/24> which, though not in the immediate scope of this TG, may be of interest. As captured by Bill here <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues/27>, we have also touched on how one-to-many/many-to-one/many-to-many mappings may proliferate through star-schemas used in DwC implementations.
In preparation for our next meeting,
please review the first-pass mappings and add comments or reactions to the respective issues.
PLB and others that are interested are welcome to add comments about the semantic differences between the definitions, which may provide a foundation for a deeper integration following this TG's work.
RM will add a ticket on the GSC issue tracker about the MIxS core depth definition.
Bill has kindly agreed to generate a MIxS V5 spreadsheet of the only the non-MIxS-core-redundant MIxS environmental package terms, which we will move over to the mapping spreadsheet once ready.
Thank you and best wishes,
Raïssa and Pier
[1] Running notes document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kU… <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kU…>
[2] DwC-MIxS mapping spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSI… <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSI…>
[3] Issue tracker https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues>
[X] Folder with all shared documents https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10bFB-yEgle4j4pYDpgW8nYxemIcIRvSs?us… <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10bFB-yEgle4j4pYDpgW8nYxemIcIRvSs?us…>
Dear all,
Thank you all for the great first meeting!
We apologise again for the short notice, and hope to have the complete group together next time.
Below, please find sections with a summary of our first meeting, next steps, and a regular meeting poll.
For extended meeting notes, please see our running minutes document [1].
We’ve taken the opportunity of this first meeting to start discussing how best to approach building DwC-MIxS interoperability.
We’ll first be starting with the mapping of DwC and MIxS terms using the MIxS IRIs (according to Bill currently reserved by not yet live) and the DwC IRIs.
This will be followed by the building of an extension with all (or at least most) unmapped terms.
For the mapping, we’ll be using the SSSOM matrix [2] which follows the structure of subject (DwC term) predicate (mapping predicate) object (MIxS term).
To collaboratively work on the mapping, we’ve set up this mapping spreadsheet [3]. As we fill this out, it’s very important to select an appropriate mapping predicate [4] for machine-level understanding. We should also make liberal use of the comment column to note any concerns or inconsistencies.
One-to-many and many-to-one mappings will be captured by duplicating the relevant subject/object in a separate row. Please use our issue tracker [5] to note any comments or difficulties during the mapping, with one issue per term. This will help us transparently log and discuss the challenge as we overcome it.
John Wieczorek has kindly taken a first pass at the mapping in our spreadsheet and created issues on our issue tracker for discussions/comments.
In preparation for our next meeting, please
review the first-pass mappings and extend them by mapping any terms that are of particular concern to you in the packages.
note any issues/uncertainties (such as duplicated labels on different MIxS terms) on our issue tracker.
also, on our issue tracker, note any other challenges/questions in mapping the terms or using the map for implementations.
To continue the work of the TG we’ll be having regular meetings every two weeks. Please fill out this doodle poll <https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link> to find a suitable weekday. Don’t worry if you can’t make the exact date in the poll this time around, this is more to find a convenient day for all subsequent meetings.
According to the output of the previous doodle poll, the time option is limited to 4 pm UTC. Please let us know if this should pose a challenge for any of you.
Thank you and best wishes,
Raïssa and Pier
[1] Running notes document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kU… <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kU…>
[2] SSSOM mapping https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM <https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM>
[3] DwC-MIxS mapping spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSI… <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k6Xe1OREUVISLjw1XLrtLqWsE7QgvWf7lSI…>
[4] Mapping predicates https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM/blob/master/SSSOM.md#common-mappin… <https://github.com/mapping-commons/SSSOM/blob/master/SSSOM.md#common-mappin…>
[5] Issue tracker https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues <https://github.com/tdwg/gbwg/issues>
[6] Doodle poll https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link <https://doodle.com/poll/ssy3z9ucrpu9krkk?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link>
Hi folks,
Great meeting to get things started today. I have finished adding mappings
from Darwin Core to MIxS Core in the spreadsheet Raïssa shared (
There are a few subtleties to be aware of, but I think I have captured all
of that in the comments. One term, geo_loc_name, currently has two rows to
describe it because I added one rather than replace Raïssa's.
Hopefully this is a useful start. I did not add issues yet because I do not
have sufficient rights to make labels, which I would like to do and add
them to the issues as I make them. It would be great if I could be granted
that right.
Let me know if there are any questions.
Dear all,
Thank you all for adding your availability to the Doodle poll.
Given the output, we are delighted to invite you to our first TG meeting at 4 pm UTC on the 9th of February (tomorrow). Please excuse the late notice, but we were trying to get feedback from as many people as possible. We hope this slot is still free for you. If not, don’t worry, there will be minutes taken and forwarded around.
Please see here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1569Q7D0Tm03vRQmu2L2WykI63Uk8Aa20GJBC7kU…> for the preliminary agenda.
We’ll be holding the meeting via zoom. Please join via this link <https://uni-bremen.zoom.us/j/93440758833?pwd=YjJkbHpVbzJDTE9Lb3BmVmc2MXVFUT…> and see below for more information to join.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting!
Best wishes,
Raissa Meyer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: DwC-MIxS Interoperability TG meeting
Time: Feb 9, 2021 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
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