Dear All,
As mentioned in an earlier email I intend to stand down as convener of
the TAG this year. The TDWG constitution does not specify how
subgroups should select their conveners though it is presumed by most
people I consulted that all such decisions should be made on the basis
of consensus.
During TDWG 2008 we had a number of discussions concerning how we
should move forward and have come up with the suggestion below. We
were very aware that not everyone in the TAG was present at TDWG 2008
and so this is just a suggestion to be put to the wider group through
the mailing list with an opportunity for people to feed back.
If you agree or disagree please make your comments as soon as
possible. Either write to the list or to me personally.
If no major disagreement is found the changes below will take effect
as of 21 November 2008
The new convener of the TAG will be Greg Whitbread (ANBG). Greg will
take a high level coordinating roll and will be assisted by volunteers
who take particular responsibility for areas in which their projects
have a vested interest.
Markus Döring (GBIF) will lead development of the ontology with a
focus on the needs for occurrence data and checklist integration by
GBIF. Patrick Leary (EoL) will feed in requirements from the
Encyclopedia of Life species pages perspective.
Kevin Richards (Landcare NZ) will head up development of GUIDs and Tim
Robertson (GBIF) will help with the DNS infrastructure for the SRV
records associated with LSID roll out.
Renato De Giovanni (CRIA) will continue to head up protocols in the
form of his work on TAPIR although he may be limited to the amount of
time he can spend because of other commitments.
Personally I still intend to be involved in TDWG and will contribute
as time permits.
All the best,
Roger Hyam
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK
Tel: +44 131 552 7171 ext 3015
Fax: +44 131 248 2901