[tdwg-content] dcterms:creator
Aaike De Wever
aaike.dewever at naturalsciences.be
Fri Jan 14 16:27:59 CET 2011
Dear Steve,
> Again, I think the solution is to be clear about what resource one is talking about
> rather than to try to come up with separate terms for creator, language,
> and created for three different types of resources.
As an up-to-now passive watcher of this list and dwc/dc newbie, I am wondering how exactly one can make clear whether it is the specimen, image of metadata one is talking about?
Thanks for clarifying!
With best regards,
On 14 Jan 2011, at 15:29, Steve Baskauf wrote:
> It seems to me that part of the problem here is that there are several
> types of resources that are being mixed. There is the specimen itself,
> there is the image of the specimen, and there is the metadata record.
> The person digitizing the specimen is the dc:creator of the specimen
> image. The collector of the specimen or the collector's institution is
> the dc:creator of the specimen. The person entering the metadata into
> the computer or that person's institution is the dc:creator of the
> metadata record. Of course a lot of people aren't going to care about
> this level of detail in keeping separate records for those three types
> of resources. But those same people also probably aren't going to care
> about keeping separate records of who all of the different creators are
> either.
> The same kind of issue exists with other terms, such as dc:language and
> dcterms:created. If you specify dc:language, is that the language on
> the specimen label, the language of other things on the image (like text
> on added scale bars), or the language of the metadata? Again, I think
> the solution is to be clear about what resource one is talking about
> rather than to try to come up with separate terms for creator, language,
> and created for three different types of resources.
> Steve
> Gregor Hagedorn wrote:
>> Using Creator is ok for the person digitizing the specimen (although
>> contributor may be more appropriate), but the person who originally
>> wrote the label is an dc:creator as well.
>> dcterms are meant to have a wide scope and by information-lossy. My
>> comment is only: do not define: if there is a dc:creator, then it was
>> the person who digitized.
>> Gregor
Aaike De Wever
BioFresh Science Officer
Freshwater Laboratory, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels
tel.: +32(0)2 627 43 90
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email: <aaike.dewever at naturalsciences.be>
skype: aaikew
AIM: aaike at mac.com
LinkedIn: <http://be.linkedin.com/in/aaikedewever>
BioFresh: <http://www.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/> and <http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/>
Belgian Biodiversity Platform: <http://www.biodiversity.be>
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