[Tdwg-lit] Level 1

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Feb 9 23:48:31 CET 2006

Dear Anne and all,

ASCII is a safe subset of UTF-8, an encoding method of Unicode
characters.  So having one mandatory representation in
ASCII is technically reasonable way if source language field is
suppoted, e.g.

GUID01+Flora of Japan ... + ja_JP
GUID01+Nihon shokubutushi ... + ja_JP
GUID01+(Nihon shokubutushi in Kanji)...	

The first one is translation, the second one is transliteration,
and the last one is original one.  The last part ja_JP tell that
these are non-original one.  I suggest to add source language as
an optional item to Level 1.  The field may have list of languages if
the publication is written in two or more languages, e.g. ICZN itself.

Note that here I gave the same GUID to all three representations of
the single publication. It implies that the GUID is ID for the
literature object, not for (meta) data objects.  If we need 
GUID for data objects also, we would need two types ofGUID.

I meant ISO dates only for "date published (as corrected)".
I agree with you date issue; in Level 1, date published as cited
should be as is, shouldn't be interpreted.


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