DC-2017 Session: Developing a Metadata Community Response in the Post-Truth Information Age

********PLEASE EXCUSE THE CROSS-POSTING******** Developing a Metadata Community Response in the Post-Truth Information Age *Special Session at DC-2017, Washington, DC, 26-29 October 2017* _____________________________________________ *:: Presenter & Facilitator:* *David Clarke*, *Synaptica®* *:: Time: *3:30-5:00 DST *:: Date:* 26 October 2017 *:: Session Homepage:* http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/ pages/view/sp17-postTruth *:: Registration:* http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/ pages/view/reg17 *Early registration ends Friday, 15 September 2017. * *Register now and save! * *Full conference and day rates are available.* _____________________________________________ SESSION DESCRIPTION: Post-truth issues are adversely affecting people all around the world. The metadata and knowledge organization communities have a mission to help people access information that is as objective, comprehensive and as relevant as possible. This session is an open invitation to members of our community to engage with these issues, contribute ideas for solutions, and consider whether DCMI has a potential role to play in charting a path forward. In 2016 the Oxford English Dictionary chose ‘post-truth’ as word of the year. Their decision was based on the proliferation of fake news stories and misinformation that accompanied both the US national election and the British EU referendum. On Earth Day in April 2017 thousands of people gathered in London for a March for Science, protesting the negative impact of post-truth culture and politics on science, research and education. How can the metadata community engage with, and respond to, these issues? In this session, David Clarke will describe the problem space and comment on the issues from the perspective of knowledge organization and information science. The session will include ample time for delegate participation, including a discussion about how the metadata community can get involved and contribute ideas for solutions. SESSION PRESENTER & FACILITATOR: *David Clarke* is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, London, and an Associate of St. George’s House, Windsor. He is cofounder and CEO of the Synaptica® group of companies, providers of enterprise software solutions for knowledge organization and discovery. He served on the authoring committee of the 2005 version of the US national standard for controlled vocabularies, ANSI/NISO Z39.19. David leads research and development at Synaptica, including software solutions for taxonomy and ontology management, text analytics and auto-categorization, image annotation and indexing, and Linked Data management. He is involved in educational outreach programs including LD4PE, the Linked Data for Professional Education initiative of DCMI. Synaptica software solutions have attracted numerous international awards including: Knowledge Management World magazine’s 100 Companies that Matter in KM and Trend Setting Product of the Year (multiple awards between 2011 and 2017). In 2016 Clarke was awarded the Knowledge Management Leadership Award by the Global Knowledge Management Congress. *For additional information about the workshop including background information on the topic and to register, visit the conference website at * http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2017.
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