Due to the unfortunate local situation and the recent attacks in Kenya, many governments have issued warnings to their citizens forbidding or strongly discouraging travel to Kenya. The local organizers made great efforts to ensure a proper and secure venue for a successful TDWG Conference. However, the executive received indications that quite a few participants would be unable to travel to the meeting. Low attendance and uncertainty raises concerns of high financial risks and lack of effective networking. We sent a survey to TDWG mailing lists and former conference participants for input. Of 140 respondents, only 30% were sure to come to Kenya. 67% were in favor of shifting location to the possible European alternative, and over 52% favored having TDWG 2015 in Africa, including the planned pre-meeting training workshops. The Executive of TDWG thus made the difficult decision to cancel the 2014 TDWG in Kenya and shift it to the alternative location in Europe. Considering all the efforts already made by the local organizing committee and the program chair, and the importance of having a venue in Sub-Saharan Africa, TDWG 2015 will be organized in Nairobi, Kenya. The Executive Committee will prepare a back-up plan and alternative location in Africa in case of further trouble or governmental travel warnings in 2015. Postponing the meeting by one year gives all concerned parties the time to organize an African meeting with the greatest chance of success. The venue for TDWG 2014 conference will thus be the town of Jönköping in Sweden co-organized by the Swedish GBIF node and Destination Jönköping. The dates are confirmed from 27th to 31st of October 2014. The Executive offers its deepest apologizes to the Kenyan local organizing committee for the major inconvenience and thanks them for their much appreciated efforts. Likewise, the Executive would like to thank the Swedish team for agreeing to host the 2014 edition on short notice. We hope to see you in large numbers both in Sweden this October and in Kenya next year. The TDWG Executive