Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I agree with Roger that LSIDs should identify the data record, not the physical object. In many cases there will not be a physical object, event or whatever. Any physical object is only really "described" by the digital record (and this does not even guarantee the connection is correct - due to typos etc). Also consider the situation where you have a single specimen and two different databases that have data about that specimen - should they use the same LSID? I think not. For one, when you "resolve" the LSID it will only ever fetch the data for the database that is the "owner" of the LSID, and is therefore handling the resolution. It would be better, I think, to use metadata of the objects to connect these two datasets - eg the sameAs, replacedBy, etc RDF tags that others have mentioned on this thread. Of course it is crucial that we reuse LSIDs where possible, but only if when referring to an external ID (ie not much point in having the ID for "your" data being the LSID of another system - then your data will never be uniquely identified, or retrievable). Does this make sense? Kevin
Roger Hyam <> 06/04/07 9:31 PM >>> Wow this is a big thread appears over the weekend!
I am posting without having time to read and digest everything in its entirety but only to answer Jason's original question I hope. Received wisdom is don't use the version part of an LSID. If you did you would be creating new LSIDs anyhow so in a way it doesn't matter. The identifier is supposed to be opaque so the client should never break the LSID into parts anyhow and would only to byte identical comparisons to the LSIDs themselves to see whether they are the same things or not. If you want to do versioning create an LSID for the "thing that changes" and an LSID for each version of that thing. Each of the versions are linked by dcterm:replaces and dcterm:isReplacedBy. Each version points to the LSID for the "thing that changes" with dcterm:isVersionOf We have our own vocabulary item for the one link in the change that isn't support by Dublin Core. tcom:versionedAs This points from the "thing that changes" to the current version. i.e. the version that has identical metadata to itself. Anyone who caches the data for the current version of the LSID can know which version they have so if it becomes retrospectively important to get back to the actual version it is possible. Philosophically when do you version? Only the provider can say that a change is significant enough to warrant a new version - but if you have gone to the trouble of implementing version control you may as well do it for any change. Only the data provider can say whether the "thing that changes" has changed so much that it is no longer the same thing. Personally I believe this approach nails the versioning issues. There is the perennial debate about whether an LSID points to a physical object or not (when it doesn't have byte stream associated with it). The answer is easy. It points to a digital object. If you doubt this try destroying a physical specimen and then asking whether you should do away with the LSID and associated data? Clearly you would maintain a record of something you once had so that you could still return the data. Likewise if you gave the specimen to another institution you would maintain a record of having had it but would, hopefully, link to the new institutions record of it. Hope this is helpful. Roger On 3 Jun 2007, at 15:08, Paul Kirk wrote:
Anybody got any views (strong, otherwise or proxy for others views) on whether the LSID should refer to data+metadata or just metadata?
From where I sit, closer to physical objects than bits in a bit stream, I favour the former. Take names for example. Strings of characters and spaces whose form is governed by Codes and one of the means, if not the primary mean, by which we communicate (verbally, in print or electronically) about biodiversity. For LSIDs applied to names my understanding is that they must resolve to an unchanging bit stream representing the name (we implemented this in Index Fungorum 1st May 2005 when we set up the demo resolver) but the associated metadata may change. If I'm correct on this one how does it work for LSIDs only resolving metadata, which is not fixed. I know Roger tried to explain this one to me but I'm still not sure it's entirely logical.
I think I'm with Rod on the LSIDs for specimens - they do not represent the physical object but are a sort of digital substitute (or substitutes) of that object.
And I also support Rods view that we should as far as possible avoid the duplication of GUIDs. Thus, for names it appears logical (although I must declare an 'interest' here so others may see a conflict) that the globally recognized nomenclators (IPNI, IF, ZooBank (soon), the bacterial list, the algal list, the virus database - I forget the acronyms here) be charged with providing these GUIDs (currently as LSIDs) for all of us to use. And following on from that, the 'institution' which is charged with providing the digital representation of specimens is the institution which is the custodian of the physical object.
From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Sun 03/06/2007 12:03 To: Weitzman, Anna Cc: Richard Pyle; Paul Kirk; Jason Best; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I think we need to be clear what gets an LSID (or a GUID in general).
Some of the things listed by Anna are digital records, such as an image. It seems simplest to give these GUIDs that identify the image, with metadata linking the image to the thing the image depicts (there are existing RDF vocabularies to do this).
Some things listed, such as a specimen, are physical objects. These are different from digital objects, and they way in which GUIDs that identify real things are handled has caused all manner of discussion (see and related pages bookmarked at LSIDs don't handle this well, unless we rely on metadata saying "the thing identified by."
So, at least on this level to say that all seven things get the same GUID is clearly a non starter.
Relationships between things can be easily specified in metadata ("is part of", "depicts", "is kind of").
The final issue is GUID reuse, that is, if somebody uses a INOTAXA record, they should at a minimum refer to the INOTAXA LSID. This would particularly apply to aggregators such as GBIF, who should not present their own identifiers unless GBIF has actually created the data. You often state "presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form". It's not clear to what that means, but if it's GBIF because INOTAXA serves it, then I think GBIF should use INOTAXA LSIDs to refer to INOTAXA records.
Clearly, generating a plethora a new, effectively local ids (masquerading as global) is not a recipe for progress. If we don't reuse GUIDs we are wasting our time.
On 2 Jun 2007, at 18:53, Weitzman, Anna wrote:
Hi Rich (et al.), I'm going to join this particular discussion in spite of the fact that I have not been able to follow the entire GUID discussion over the past couple of years and I may be repeating things that have been resolved.
Let's continue to investigate whether an LSID applies to the physical specimen or the database record (or both?).
What about the record(s) for that same physical object in the literature? As we mark up literature, we are going to generate LSIDs for specimen records that will need to be resolved to be related to the same physical object (in a collection) and the data record (usually in that same collection's database).
Let's look at the example that Chris Lyal and I are contemplating as we work on implementing an INOTAXA pilot to show in Bratislava: 1) a weevil specimen here at USNM (a type described in the BCA) 2) a record for it in the museum's database (we do have a type database for insects, and it will be available in a year or two), available on the museum's website, through GBIF, and through INOTAXA 3) a record from digitized and parsed BCA in INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 4) a record for the same weevil from a paper published in the 1950s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 5) a record for that weevil from a paper published in the 1990s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 6) a published image (or series of images) in the paper from the 1990s -- but now also digitized and made available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 7) a digitized image (or series of images) made in our imaging project and made available through the museum's database, INOTAXA, GBIF and MorphoBank
Either each of these (1-7) will need to have its own LSID (or an equivalent in the case of the specimen itself) or they will all need to have the same LSID. If the former, they will all have to resolve to the same parent LSID--is this for the specimen or the record in its home database?--in order for the overall biodiversity information system to really work.
Or let's take that a step further and make that a fish, where not only is there a record in the museum's database with its LSID, but that same record for the same fish that was imported some years ago into FishBase (now out of date perhaps, but still available to GBIF and via Fishbase). At the time, it was imported without an LSID and FishBase has (presumably) assigned it's own LSID...
Or let's say that someone else digitized their copy of the same BCA volume and followed the INOTAXA (taXMLit) and assigned yet another LSID for the specimen that really the same 'record' or different from the one in #3?
I would like to think that in the long run we do not need multiple LSIDs for records that refer to the same specimen or record (as long as we can be truly certain that they are 'the same'. After all, the literature markup has a whole series of unique IDs for its various parts already, so can't we refer to 'the use of LSID 123 in workID 987' or 'the use of LSID 123 on pageID 456 in workID 987'?
There are a lot of IDs here, but unless every collection database already has an LSID that we can 'grab' and use in INOTAXA we are going to have to create our own LSIDs and count on a community resolver to sort it all out (and even if that were true, not all the specimens that we are going to be referring to from INOTAXA have been put in electronic form anyplace else, so we will have to assign LSIDs at least temporarily--Paul did not mention how they are going to deal with the Zoological name LSIDs as at least a temporary solution--but I assume that they have a similar problem).
I'm sure I don't know what the best solution is, but that's what I'm counting on the computer scientists in this group to tell me. I just hope they tell me soon, since we're going to need answers soon!
Cheers, Anna
Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
office: 202.633.0846 mobile: 202.415.4684
From: on behalf of Richard Pyle Sent: Sat 02-Jun-07 5:08 AM To: 'Paul Kirk'; 'Jason Best'; Subject: RE: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
Paul and List,
First, I should clarify something about my earlier post. I wrote at the start of Scenario 3:
"3) Issue data-less LSIDs without using the revision ID feature, and track data change history separately from the LSIDs"
That should have been "...and track *metadata* change history separately from the LSIDs" (metadata, not data).
So, without making things too complicated as we 'start to walk' in this domain of biodiversity informatics my vote is for a variation of scenario 3) from Rich. The reason I vote for this is that in the fullness of time, and the 'herb.IMI' database has already started this, much of the metadata with be LSIDs and it's correctness (i.e. sorting out typos etc) will be delegated to the entities who issue those LSIDs. As IPNI improves the quality of the metadata associated with the LSIDs they issue (and if I understand correctly they do use the scenario 3) from Rich) so the quality of the metadata associated with a 'herb.IMI' LSID improves. The reason I prefer the data + metadate 'model' is that in this instance the data is fixed ... who changes collection/accession numbers? ... so perfect for this role. Even if a collection moves to a new owner the original data need not 'disappear' in the same way that DOI's move with the objects as book and journal titles change from one publisher to another.
So...if I understand correctly, you differ from my scenario 3 in that you do generate data-bearing LSIDs for specimens, but the data part is limited to only the Accession number, not the complete set of data fields associated with the record -- correct? So, in effect, the object LSID actially applies to is the binary accession number, not the "concept" of the specimen. I can imagine in this case that the LSID can be thought of as representing the "concept of the specimen" because the accession number itself is a surrogate for the physical specimen. The only thing that concerns me about this approach is that there is a non-zero incidence of accidental duplicate catalog numbers within a given collection, and possibly errors in associating catalog numbers. For example, if the computer database for a collection had an error created by a technician who, for example, entered the metadata for accession number IMI1234569 by mistake, when it should have been IMI1234596 (and vice versa), then branding the accession number as "data" for the LSID means that the LSID technically *must* stay with the accession number (not the specimen associated with the metadata for that LSID), after the error is discovered. Not a huge problem, but could surprise people who had indexed the LSID before the error was discovered, who then came back to resolve it again after the error was fixed (i.e., they would get totally wrong information). Given how rare this problem is likely to be (against a backdrop of many far more likely problems we will have to overcome), I don't see this as a strong reason not to proceed with your plan.
Final point, the 'data' is the 'herb.IMI' accession number; in context this is a GUI because of the existence of Index Herbariorum. So, our data will be 123456 not IMI123456 because ... in the fullness of time we will include an Index Herbariorum LSID to 'identify' the 'institutional acronym' element of the metadata.
Is the binary data for the accession number in 8-bit, or 16-bit? I'm assuming 8-bit would be fine, as I suspect all collections would have accession numbers that can be rendered with 256-character ASCII. Is there any "wrapper" to the number as binary data, or is it a straight ASCII binary representation (e.g.: 001100010011001000110011001101000011010100110110 for "12345")?
I'm not sure I follow the logic of how embedding the accession number as data for the LSID allows the LSID to move to a new owner. I would think the opposite. Isn't it likely that the new owner would create their own accession number for the specimen? In this case, they would be forced to generate a new LSID if they were following the same practice of encoding the accession number as "data", rather than metadata.
Also, wouldn't it make more sense to include the acronym (IMI) as part of the data for the LSID? At least that way the "12345" would have *some* context.
Finally, this approach would work only for collections where there is a strict 1:1 correlation between accession numbers and specimen objects for which an LSID is desired.
Thanks for your comments -- this thread is already forcing me to think about things in a way I hadn't thought of them before.
Aloha, Rich
Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email:
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I am constantly confused in this thread by the term "use an LSID" seeming to mean "have an LSID". Whenever there is a "conceptual" object such as a physical object or an observation, there is a strong tradition that its LSID have empty data and meaningful metadata. In these cases, I strongly hope there will be such an LSID and that there be only a single one for it, which is not actually required by the LSID spec. Without this, for example, an assertion that two different LSID1 and LSID2 both identify the type specimen for Aus bus depends on good will and accurate data. On the other hand, if I am presented with two LSIDs that are identical, no reasoning on returned metadata, nor even resolution, is required to know that they are talking about the same thing. Thus, if two different specimen records, intending to describe the same thing, refer to the same LSID in their data in some attribute like "DESCRIBES", then those records are unambiguously describing the same thing. On the other hand, if the specimen records \themselves/ are to have LSIDs, they must NOT have the same LSID, as that violates the specification and purpose of LSID (or any other GUID). I think the confusion here may be some notion that an LSID inherently describes something. It doesn't. It only serves to distinguish its target from other things that may have LSIDs. Nothing in the LSID spec implies that the metadata returned by LSID resolution is a description, though some communities may wish to do make it so. For mutable electronic objects, such as a specimen record given an LSIDs, it would be entirely reasonable for the resolution to return the current content of the record as its LSID metadata. It would be incorrect to return that record as data, if the content of that record is ever permitted to change (which specimen records usually are). On 6/5/07, Kevin Richards <> wrote:
I agree with Roger that LSIDs should identify the data record, not the physical object. In many cases there will not be a physical object, event or whatever. Any physical object is only really "described" by the digital record (and this does not even guarantee the connection is correct - due to typos etc).
Also consider the situation where you have a single specimen and two different databases that have data about that specimen - should they use the same LSID? I think not. For one, when you "resolve" the LSID it will only ever fetch the data for the database that is the "owner" of the LSID, and is therefore handling the resolution. It would be better, I think, to use metadata of the objects to connect these two datasets - eg the sameAs, replacedBy, etc RDF tags that others have mentioned on this thread. Of course it is crucial that we reuse LSIDs where possible, but only if when referring to an external ID (ie not much point in having the ID for "your" data being the LSID of another system - then your data will never be uniquely identified, or retrievable). Does this make sense?
Roger Hyam <> 06/04/07 9:31 PM >>> Wow this is a big thread appears over the weekend!
I am posting without having time to read and digest everything in its entirety but only to answer Jason's original question I hope.
Received wisdom is don't use the version part of an LSID. If you did you would be creating new LSIDs anyhow so in a way it doesn't matter. The identifier is supposed to be opaque so the client should never break the LSID into parts anyhow and would only to byte identical comparisons to the LSIDs themselves to see whether they are the same things or not.
If you want to do versioning create an LSID for the "thing that changes" and an LSID for each version of that thing.
Each of the versions are linked by dcterm:replaces and dcterm:isReplacedBy.
Each version points to the LSID for the "thing that changes" with dcterm:isVersionOf
We have our own vocabulary item for the one link in the change that isn't support by Dublin Core. tcom:versionedAs
This points from the "thing that changes" to the current version. i.e. the version that has identical metadata to itself. Anyone who caches the data for the current version of the LSID can know which version they have so if it becomes retrospectively important to get back to the actual version it is possible.
Philosophically when do you version? Only the provider can say that a change is significant enough to warrant a new version - but if you have gone to the trouble of implementing version control you may as well do it for any change. Only the data provider can say whether the "thing that changes" has changed so much that it is no longer the same thing.
Personally I believe this approach nails the versioning issues.
There is the perennial debate about whether an LSID points to a physical object or not (when it doesn't have byte stream associated with it). The answer is easy. It points to a digital object. If you doubt this try destroying a physical specimen and then asking whether you should do away with the LSID and associated data? Clearly you would maintain a record of something you once had so that you could still return the data. Likewise if you gave the specimen to another institution you would maintain a record of having had it but would, hopefully, link to the new institutions record of it.
Hope this is helpful.
On 3 Jun 2007, at 15:08, Paul Kirk wrote:
Anybody got any views (strong, otherwise or proxy for others views) on whether the LSID should refer to data+metadata or just metadata?
From where I sit, closer to physical objects than bits in a bit stream, I favour the former. Take names for example. Strings of characters and spaces whose form is governed by Codes and one of the means, if not the primary mean, by which we communicate (verbally, in print or electronically) about biodiversity. For LSIDs applied to names my understanding is that they must resolve to an unchanging bit stream representing the name (we implemented this in Index Fungorum 1st May 2005 when we set up the demo resolver) but the associated metadata may change. If I'm correct on this one how does it work for LSIDs only resolving metadata, which is not fixed. I know Roger tried to explain this one to me but I'm still not sure it's entirely logical.
I think I'm with Rod on the LSIDs for specimens - they do not represent the physical object but are a sort of digital substitute (or substitutes) of that object.
And I also support Rods view that we should as far as possible avoid the duplication of GUIDs. Thus, for names it appears logical (although I must declare an 'interest' here so others may see a conflict) that the globally recognized nomenclators (IPNI, IF, ZooBank (soon), the bacterial list, the algal list, the virus database - I forget the acronyms here) be charged with providing these GUIDs (currently as LSIDs) for all of us to use. And following on from that, the 'institution' which is charged with providing the digital representation of specimens is the institution which is the custodian of the physical object.
From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Sun 03/06/2007 12:03 To: Weitzman, Anna Cc: Richard Pyle; Paul Kirk; Jason Best; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I think we need to be clear what gets an LSID (or a GUID in general).
Some of the things listed by Anna are digital records, such as an image. It seems simplest to give these GUIDs that identify the image, with metadata linking the image to the thing the image depicts (there are existing RDF vocabularies to do this).
Some things listed, such as a specimen, are physical objects. These are different from digital objects, and they way in which GUIDs that identify real things are handled has caused all manner of discussion (see and related pages bookmarked at LSIDs don't handle this well, unless we rely on metadata saying "the thing identified by."
So, at least on this level to say that all seven things get the same GUID is clearly a non starter.
Relationships between things can be easily specified in metadata ("is part of", "depicts", "is kind of").
The final issue is GUID reuse, that is, if somebody uses a INOTAXA record, they should at a minimum refer to the INOTAXA LSID. This would particularly apply to aggregators such as GBIF, who should not present their own identifiers unless GBIF has actually created the data. You often state "presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form". It's not clear to what that means, but if it's GBIF because INOTAXA serves it, then I think GBIF should use INOTAXA LSIDs to refer to INOTAXA records.
Clearly, generating a plethora a new, effectively local ids (masquerading as global) is not a recipe for progress. If we don't reuse GUIDs we are wasting our time.
On 2 Jun 2007, at 18:53, Weitzman, Anna wrote:
Hi Rich (et al.), I'm going to join this particular discussion in spite of the fact that I have not been able to follow the entire GUID discussion over the past couple of years and I may be repeating things that have been resolved.
Let's continue to investigate whether an LSID applies to the physical specimen or the database record (or both?).
What about the record(s) for that same physical object in the literature? As we mark up literature, we are going to generate LSIDs for specimen records that will need to be resolved to be related to the same physical object (in a collection) and the data record (usually in that same collection's database).
Let's look at the example that Chris Lyal and I are contemplating as we work on implementing an INOTAXA pilot to show in Bratislava: 1) a weevil specimen here at USNM (a type described in the BCA) 2) a record for it in the museum's database (we do have a type database for insects, and it will be available in a year or two), available on the museum's website, through GBIF, and through INOTAXA 3) a record from digitized and parsed BCA in INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 4) a record for the same weevil from a paper published in the 1950s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 5) a record for that weevil from a paper published in the 1990s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 6) a published image (or series of images) in the paper from the 1990s -- but now also digitized and made available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 7) a digitized image (or series of images) made in our imaging project and made available through the museum's database, INOTAXA, GBIF and MorphoBank
Either each of these (1-7) will need to have its own LSID (or an equivalent in the case of the specimen itself) or they will all need to have the same LSID. If the former, they will all have to resolve to the same parent LSID--is this for the specimen or the record in its home database?--in order for the overall biodiversity information system to really work.
Or let's take that a step further and make that a fish, where not only is there a record in the museum's database with its LSID, but that same record for the same fish that was imported some years ago into FishBase (now out of date perhaps, but still available to GBIF and via Fishbase). At the time, it was imported without an LSID and FishBase has (presumably) assigned it's own LSID...
Or let's say that someone else digitized their copy of the same BCA volume and followed the INOTAXA (taXMLit) and assigned yet another LSID for the specimen that really the same 'record' or different from the one in #3?
I would like to think that in the long run we do not need multiple LSIDs for records that refer to the same specimen or record (as long as we can be truly certain that they are 'the same'. After all, the literature markup has a whole series of unique IDs for its various parts already, so can't we refer to 'the use of LSID 123 in workID 987' or 'the use of LSID 123 on pageID 456 in workID 987'?
There are a lot of IDs here, but unless every collection database already has an LSID that we can 'grab' and use in INOTAXA we are going to have to create our own LSIDs and count on a community resolver to sort it all out (and even if that were true, not all the specimens that we are going to be referring to from INOTAXA have been put in electronic form anyplace else, so we will have to assign LSIDs at least temporarily--Paul did not mention how they are going to deal with the Zoological name LSIDs as at least a temporary solution--but I assume that they have a similar problem).
I'm sure I don't know what the best solution is, but that's what I'm counting on the computer scientists in this group to tell me. I just hope they tell me soon, since we're going to need answers soon!
Cheers, Anna
Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
office: 202.633.0846 mobile: 202.415.4684
From: on behalf of Richard Pyle Sent: Sat 02-Jun-07 5:08 AM To: 'Paul Kirk'; 'Jason Best'; Subject: RE: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
Paul and List,
First, I should clarify something about my earlier post. I wrote at the start of Scenario 3:
"3) Issue data-less LSIDs without using the revision ID feature, and track data change history separately from the LSIDs"
That should have been "...and track *metadata* change history separately from the LSIDs" (metadata, not data).
So, without making things too complicated as we 'start to walk' in this domain of biodiversity informatics my vote is for a variation of scenario 3) from Rich. The reason I vote for this is that in the fullness of time, and the 'herb.IMI' database has already started this, much of the metadata with be LSIDs and it's correctness (i.e. sorting out typos etc) will be delegated to the entities who issue those LSIDs. As IPNI improves the quality of the metadata associated with the LSIDs they issue (and if I understand correctly they do use the scenario 3) from Rich) so the quality of the metadata associated with a 'herb.IMI' LSID improves. The reason I prefer the data + metadate 'model' is that in this instance the data is fixed ... who changes collection/accession numbers? ... so perfect for this role. Even if a collection moves to a new owner the original data need not 'disappear' in the same way that DOI's move with the objects as book and journal titles change from one publisher to another.
So...if I understand correctly, you differ from my scenario 3 in that you do generate data-bearing LSIDs for specimens, but the data part is limited to only the Accession number, not the complete set of data fields associated with the record -- correct? So, in effect, the object LSID actially applies to is the binary accession number, not the "concept" of the specimen. I can imagine in this case that the LSID can be thought of as representing the "concept of the specimen" because the accession number itself is a surrogate for the physical specimen. The only thing that concerns me about this approach is that there is a non-zero incidence of accidental duplicate catalog numbers within a given collection, and possibly errors in associating catalog numbers. For example, if the computer database for a collection had an error created by a technician who, for example, entered the metadata for accession number IMI1234569 by mistake, when it should have been IMI1234596 (and vice versa), then branding the accession number as "data" for the LSID means that the LSID technically *must* stay with the accession number (not the specimen associated with the metadata for that LSID), after the error is discovered. Not a huge problem, but could surprise people who had indexed the LSID before the error was discovered, who then came back to resolve it again after the error was fixed (i.e., they would get totally wrong information). Given how rare this problem is likely to be (against a backdrop of many far more likely problems we will have to overcome), I don't see this as a strong reason not to proceed with your plan.
Final point, the 'data' is the 'herb.IMI' accession number; in context this is a GUI because of the existence of Index Herbariorum. So, our data will be 123456 not IMI123456 because ... in the fullness of time we will include an Index Herbariorum LSID to 'identify' the 'institutional acronym' element of the metadata.
Is the binary data for the accession number in 8-bit, or 16-bit? I'm assuming 8-bit would be fine, as I suspect all collections would have accession numbers that can be rendered with 256-character ASCII. Is there any "wrapper" to the number as binary data, or is it a straight ASCII binary representation (e.g.: 001100010011001000110011001101000011010100110110 for "12345")?
I'm not sure I follow the logic of how embedding the accession number as data for the LSID allows the LSID to move to a new owner. I would think the opposite. Isn't it likely that the new owner would create their own accession number for the specimen? In this case, they would be forced to generate a new LSID if they were following the same practice of encoding the accession number as "data", rather than metadata.
Also, wouldn't it make more sense to include the acronym (IMI) as part of the data for the LSID? At least that way the "12345" would have *some* context.
Finally, this approach would work only for collections where there is a strict 1:1 correlation between accession numbers and specimen objects for which an LSID is desired.
Thanks for your comments -- this thread is already forcing me to think about things in a way I hadn't thought of them before.
Aloha, Rich
Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email:
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I agree with Roger that LSIDs should identify the data record, not the physical object. In many cases there will not be a physical object, event or whatever. Any physical object is only really "described" by the digital record (and this does not even guarantee the connection is correct - due to typos etc).
Also consider the situation where you have a single specimen and two different databases that have data about that specimen - should they use the same LSID? I think not. For one, when you "resolve" the LSID it will only ever fetch the data for the database that is the "owner" of the LSID, and is therefore handling the resolution. It would be better, I think, to use metadata of the objects to connect these two datasets
I just want to take the time here to say AAAAAARGGGGGH!!! Does anyone else share this with me? It is clear as day that we do not have a decision on what an LSID specifically and exactly is (for this community), much less how to actually make use of an LSID, and then how in world could we reliably relate them together. It's difficult to accept that so much time has been spent by so many people discussing this at length in meetings and workshops, in Wikis, and in emails but still we have different opinions of what an LSID specifically is for biodiversity data. What mechanism can we employ that will end this LSID fuzziness once and for all, so we can move on to making them functional? Is the official, unambiguous definition of an LSID something that needs to be voted on and accepted at the TDWG meeting? Perhaps several definitions, one for each type of LSID - concept, name, specimen, literature, and so on? But a definition (right or wrong in some folks' opinion) that will end the debate. Chuck Chuck Miller VP-IT & CIO Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis, MO, USA -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Bob Morris Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 12:15 AM To: Kevin Richards Cc:;; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned] I am constantly confused in this thread by the term "use an LSID" seeming to mean "have an LSID". Whenever there is a "conceptual" object such as a physical object or an observation, there is a strong tradition that its LSID have empty data and meaningful metadata. In these cases, I strongly hope there will be such an LSID and that there be only a single one for it, which is not actually required by the LSID spec. Without this, for example, an assertion that two different LSID1 and LSID2 both identify the type specimen for Aus bus depends on good will and accurate data. On the other hand, if I am presented with two LSIDs that are identical, no reasoning on returned metadata, nor even resolution, is required to know that they are talking about the same thing. Thus, if two different specimen records, intending to describe the same thing, refer to the same LSID in their data in some attribute like "DESCRIBES", then those records are unambiguously describing the same thing. On the other hand, if the specimen records \themselves/ are to have LSIDs, they must NOT have the same LSID, as that violates the specification and purpose of LSID (or any other GUID). I think the confusion here may be some notion that an LSID inherently describes something. It doesn't. It only serves to distinguish its target from other things that may have LSIDs. Nothing in the LSID spec implies that the metadata returned by LSID resolution is a description, though some communities may wish to do make it so. For mutable electronic objects, such as a specimen record given an LSIDs, it would be entirely reasonable for the resolution to return the current content of the record as its LSID metadata. It would be incorrect to return that record as data, if the content of that record is ever permitted to change (which specimen records usually are). On 6/5/07, Kevin Richards <> wrote: -
eg the sameAs, replacedBy, etc RDF tags that others have mentioned on this thread. Of course it is crucial that we reuse LSIDs where possible, but only if when referring to an external ID (ie not much point in having the ID for "your" data being the LSID of another system - then your data will never be uniquely identified, or retrievable). Does this make sense?
Roger Hyam <> 06/04/07 9:31 PM >>> Wow this is a big thread appears over the weekend!
I am posting without having time to read and digest everything in its entirety but only to answer Jason's original question I hope.
Received wisdom is don't use the version part of an LSID. If you did you would be creating new LSIDs anyhow so in a way it doesn't matter. The identifier is supposed to be opaque so the client should never break the LSID into parts anyhow and would only to byte identical comparisons to the LSIDs themselves to see whether they are the same things or not.
If you want to do versioning create an LSID for the "thing that changes" and an LSID for each version of that thing.
Each of the versions are linked by dcterm:replaces and dcterm:isReplacedBy.
Each version points to the LSID for the "thing that changes" with dcterm:isVersionOf
We have our own vocabulary item for the one link in the change that isn't support by Dublin Core. tcom:versionedAs
This points from the "thing that changes" to the current version. i.e. the version that has identical metadata to itself. Anyone who caches the data for the current version of the LSID can know which version they have so if it becomes retrospectively important to get back to the actual version it is possible.
Philosophically when do you version? Only the provider can say that a change is significant enough to warrant a new version - but if you have gone to the trouble of implementing version control you may as well do it for any change. Only the data provider can say whether the "thing that changes" has changed so much that it is no longer the same thing.
Personally I believe this approach nails the versioning issues.
There is the perennial debate about whether an LSID points to a physical object or not (when it doesn't have byte stream associated with it). The answer is easy. It points to a digital object. If you doubt this try destroying a physical specimen and then asking whether you should do away with the LSID and associated data? Clearly you would maintain a record of something you once had so that you could still return the data. Likewise if you gave the specimen to another institution you would maintain a record of having had it but would, hopefully, link to the new institutions record of it.
Hope this is helpful.
On 3 Jun 2007, at 15:08, Paul Kirk wrote:
Anybody got any views (strong, otherwise or proxy for others views) on whether the LSID should refer to data+metadata or just metadata?
From where I sit, closer to physical objects than bits in a bit stream, I favour the former. Take names for example. Strings of characters and spaces whose form is governed by Codes and one of the means, if not the primary mean, by which we communicate (verbally, in print or electronically) about biodiversity. For LSIDs applied to names my understanding is that they must resolve to an unchanging bit stream representing the name (we implemented this in Index Fungorum 1st May 2005 when we set up the demo resolver) but the associated metadata may change. If I'm correct on this one how does it work for LSIDs only resolving metadata, which is not fixed. I know Roger tried to explain this one to me but I'm still not sure it's entirely logical.
I think I'm with Rod on the LSIDs for specimens - they do not represent the physical object but are a sort of digital substitute (or substitutes) of that object.
And I also support Rods view that we should as far as possible avoid the duplication of GUIDs. Thus, for names it appears logical (although I must declare an 'interest' here so others may see a conflict) that the globally recognized nomenclators (IPNI, IF, ZooBank (soon), the bacterial list, the algal list, the virus database - I forget the acronyms here) be charged with providing these GUIDs (currently as LSIDs) for all of us to use. And following on from that, the 'institution' which is charged with providing the digital representation of specimens is the institution which is the custodian of the physical object.
From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Sun 03/06/2007 12:03 To: Weitzman, Anna Cc: Richard Pyle; Paul Kirk; Jason Best; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I think we need to be clear what gets an LSID (or a GUID in general).
Some of the things listed by Anna are digital records, such as an image. It seems simplest to give these GUIDs that identify the image, with metadata linking the image to the thing the image depicts (there are existing RDF vocabularies to do this).
Some things listed, such as a specimen, are physical objects. These are different from digital objects, and they way in which GUIDs that identify real things are handled has caused all manner of discussion (see and related pages bookmarked at LSIDs don't handle this well, unless we rely on metadata saying "the thing identified by."
So, at least on this level to say that all seven things get the same GUID is clearly a non starter.
Relationships between things can be easily specified in metadata ("is part of", "depicts", "is kind of").
The final issue is GUID reuse, that is, if somebody uses a INOTAXA record, they should at a minimum refer to the INOTAXA LSID. This would particularly apply to aggregators such as GBIF, who should not present their own identifiers unless GBIF has actually created the data. You often state "presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form". It's not clear to what that means, but if it's GBIF because INOTAXA serves it, then I think GBIF should use INOTAXA LSIDs to refer to INOTAXA records.
Clearly, generating a plethora a new, effectively local ids (masquerading as global) is not a recipe for progress. If we don't reuse GUIDs we are wasting our time.
On 2 Jun 2007, at 18:53, Weitzman, Anna wrote:
Hi Rich (et al.), I'm going to join this particular discussion in spite of the fact that I have not been able to follow the entire GUID discussion over the past couple of years and I may be repeating things that have been resolved.
Let's continue to investigate whether an LSID applies to the physical specimen or the database record (or both?).
What about the record(s) for that same physical object in the literature? As we mark up literature, we are going to generate LSIDs for specimen records that will need to be resolved to be related to the same physical object (in a collection) and the data record (usually in that same collection's database).
Let's look at the example that Chris Lyal and I are contemplating as we work on implementing an INOTAXA pilot to show in Bratislava: 1) a weevil specimen here at USNM (a type described in the BCA) 2) a record for it in the museum's database (we do have a type database for insects, and it will be available in a year or two), available on the museum's website, through GBIF, and through INOTAXA 3) a record from digitized and parsed BCA in INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 4) a record for the same weevil from a paper published in the 1950s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 5) a record for that weevil from a paper published in the 1990s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 6) a published image (or series of images) in the paper from the 1990s -- but now also digitized and made available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 7) a digitized image (or series of images) made in our imaging project and made available through the museum's database, INOTAXA, GBIF and MorphoBank
Either each of these (1-7) will need to have its own LSID (or an equivalent in the case of the specimen itself) or they will all need to have the same LSID. If the former, they will all have to resolve to the same parent LSID--is this for the specimen or the record in its home database?--in order for the overall biodiversity information system to really work.
Or let's take that a step further and make that a fish, where not only is there a record in the museum's database with its LSID, but that same record for the same fish that was imported some years ago into FishBase (now out of date perhaps, but still available to GBIF and via Fishbase). At the time, it was imported without an LSID and FishBase has (presumably) assigned it's own LSID...
Or let's say that someone else digitized their copy of the same BCA volume and followed the INOTAXA (taXMLit) and assigned yet another LSID for the specimen that really the same 'record' or different from the one in #3?
I would like to think that in the long run we do not need multiple LSIDs for records that refer to the same specimen or record (as long as we can be truly certain that they are 'the same'. After all, the literature markup has a whole series of unique IDs for its various parts already, so can't we refer to 'the use of LSID 123 in workID 987' or 'the use of LSID 123 on pageID 456 in workID 987'?
There are a lot of IDs here, but unless every collection database already has an LSID that we can 'grab' and use in INOTAXA we are going to have to create our own LSIDs and count on a community resolver to sort it all out (and even if that were true, not all the specimens that we are going to be referring to from INOTAXA have been put in electronic form anyplace else, so we will have to assign LSIDs at least temporarily--Paul did not mention how they are going to deal with the Zoological name LSIDs as at least a temporary solution--but I assume that they have a similar problem).
I'm sure I don't know what the best solution is, but that's what I'm counting on the computer scientists in this group to tell me. I just hope they tell me soon, since we're going to need answers soon!
Cheers, Anna
Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
office: 202.633.0846 mobile: 202.415.4684
From: on behalf of Richard Pyle Sent: Sat 02-Jun-07 5:08 AM To: 'Paul Kirk'; 'Jason Best'; Subject: RE: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
Paul and List,
First, I should clarify something about my earlier post. I wrote at the start of Scenario 3:
"3) Issue data-less LSIDs without using the revision ID feature, and track data change history separately from the LSIDs"
That should have been "...and track *metadata* change history separately from the LSIDs" (metadata, not data).
So, without making things too complicated as we 'start to walk' in this domain of biodiversity informatics my vote is for a variation of scenario 3) from Rich. The reason I vote for this is that in the fullness of time, and the 'herb.IMI' database has already started this, much of the metadata with be LSIDs and it's correctness (i.e. sorting out typos etc) will be delegated to the entities who issue those LSIDs. As IPNI improves the quality of the metadata associated with the LSIDs they issue (and if I understand correctly they do use the scenario 3) from Rich) so the quality of the metadata associated with a 'herb.IMI' LSID improves. The reason I prefer the data + metadate 'model' is that in this instance the data is fixed ... who changes collection/accession numbers? ... so perfect for this role. Even if a collection moves to a new owner the original data need not 'disappear' in the same way that DOI's move with the objects as book and journal titles change from one publisher to another.
So...if I understand correctly, you differ from my scenario 3 in that you do generate data-bearing LSIDs for specimens, but the data part is limited to only the Accession number, not the complete set of data fields associated with the record -- correct? So, in effect, the object LSID actially applies to is the binary accession number, not the "concept" of the specimen. I can imagine in this case that the LSID can be thought of as representing the "concept of the specimen" because the accession number itself is a surrogate for the physical specimen. The only thing that concerns me about this approach is that there is a non-zero incidence of accidental duplicate catalog numbers within a given collection, and possibly errors in associating catalog numbers. For example, if the computer database for a collection had an error created by a technician who, for example, entered the metadata for accession number IMI1234569 by mistake, when it should have been IMI1234596 (and vice versa), then branding the accession number as "data" for the LSID means that the LSID technically *must* stay with the accession number (not the specimen associated with the metadata for that LSID), after the error is discovered. Not a huge problem, but could surprise people who had indexed the LSID before the error was discovered, who then came back to resolve it again after the error was fixed (i.e., they would get totally wrong information). Given how rare this problem is likely to be (against a backdrop of many far more likely problems we will have to overcome), I don't see this as a strong reason not to proceed with your plan.
Final point, the 'data' is the 'herb.IMI' accession number; in context this is a GUI because of the existence of Index Herbariorum. So, our data will be 123456 not IMI123456 because ... in the fullness of time we will include an Index Herbariorum LSID to 'identify' the 'institutional acronym' element of the metadata.
Is the binary data for the accession number in 8-bit, or 16-bit? I'm assuming 8-bit would be fine, as I suspect all collections would have accession numbers that can be rendered with 256-character ASCII. Is there any "wrapper" to the number as binary data, or is it a straight ASCII binary representation (e.g.: 001100010011001000110011001101000011010100110110 for "12345")?
I'm not sure I follow the logic of how embedding the accession number as data for the LSID allows the LSID to move to a new owner. I would think the opposite. Isn't it likely that the new owner would create their own accession number for the specimen? In this case, they would be forced to generate a new LSID if they were following the same practice of encoding the accession number as "data", rather than metadata.
Also, wouldn't it make more sense to include the acronym (IMI) as part of the data for the LSID? At least that way the "12345" would have *some* context.
Finally, this approach would work only for collections where there is a strict 1:1 correlation between accession numbers and specimen objects for which an LSID is desired.
Thanks for your comments -- this thread is already forcing me to think about things in a way I hadn't thought of them before.
Aloha, Rich
Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email:
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Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and consider the elephant in the room -- LSIDs might not be what we want. Markus Döring sent some nice references to the list in April, which I've repeated below, there is also . I think the LSID debate is throwing up issues which have been addressed elsewhere (e.g., identifiers for physical things versus digital records), and some would argue have been solved to at least some people's satisfaction. LSIDs got us thinking about RDF, which is great. But otherwise I think they are making things more complicated than they need to be. I think this community is running a grave risk of committing to a technology that nobody else takes that seriously (hell, even the web site is broken). The references posted by Markus Döring were: (1) "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" by Leo Sauermann DFKI GmbH, Richard Cyganiak Freie Universität Berlin (D2R author), Max Völkel FZI Karlsruhe The authors of this document come from the semantic web community and discuss what kind of URIs should be used for RDF resources. (2) This one here is written by the W3C and addresses the questions "When should URNs or URIs with novel URI schemes be used to name information resources for the Web?" The answers given are "Rarely if ever" and "Probably not". Common arguments in favor of such novel naming schemas are examined, and their properties compared with those of the existing http: URI scheme. Regards Rod On 5 Jun 2007, at 19:40, Chuck Miller wrote:
I just want to take the time here to say AAAAAARGGGGGH!!! Does anyone else share this with me?
It is clear as day that we do not have a decision on what an LSID specifically and exactly is (for this community), much less how to actually make use of an LSID, and then how in world could we reliably relate them together.
It's difficult to accept that so much time has been spent by so many people discussing this at length in meetings and workshops, in Wikis, and in emails but still we have different opinions of what an LSID specifically is for biodiversity data.
What mechanism can we employ that will end this LSID fuzziness once and for all, so we can move on to making them functional?
Is the official, unambiguous definition of an LSID something that needs to be voted on and accepted at the TDWG meeting? Perhaps several definitions, one for each type of LSID - concept, name, specimen, literature, and so on? But a definition (right or wrong in some folks' opinion) that will end the debate.
Chuck Miller VP-IT & CIO Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis, MO, USA
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Bob Morris Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 12:15 AM To: Kevin Richards Cc:;; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I am constantly confused in this thread by the term "use an LSID" seeming to mean "have an LSID".
Whenever there is a "conceptual" object such as a physical object or an observation, there is a strong tradition that its LSID have empty data and meaningful metadata. In these cases, I strongly hope there will be such an LSID and that there be only a single one for it, which is not actually required by the LSID spec. Without this, for example, an assertion that two different LSID1 and LSID2 both identify the type specimen for Aus bus depends on good will and accurate data. On the other hand, if I am presented with two LSIDs that are identical, no reasoning on returned metadata, nor even resolution, is required to know that they are talking about the same thing. Thus, if two different specimen records, intending to describe the same thing, refer to the same LSID in their data in some attribute like "DESCRIBES", then those records are unambiguously describing the same thing. On the other hand, if the specimen records \themselves/ are to have LSIDs, they must NOT have the same LSID, as that violates the specification and purpose of LSID (or any other GUID).
I think the confusion here may be some notion that an LSID inherently describes something. It doesn't. It only serves to distinguish its target from other things that may have LSIDs. Nothing in the LSID spec implies that the metadata returned by LSID resolution is a description, though some communities may wish to do make it so. For mutable electronic objects, such as a specimen record given an LSIDs, it would be entirely reasonable for the resolution to return the current content of the record as its LSID metadata. It would be incorrect to return that record as data, if the content of that record is ever permitted to change (which specimen records usually are).
I agree with Roger that LSIDs should identify the data record, not the physical object. In many cases there will not be a physical object, event or whatever. Any physical object is only really "described" by the digital record (and this does not even guarantee the connection is correct - due to typos etc).
Also consider the situation where you have a single specimen and two different databases that have data about that specimen - should they use the same LSID? I think not. For one, when you "resolve" the LSID it will only ever fetch the data for the database that is the "owner" of the LSID, and is therefore handling the resolution. It would be better, I think, to use metadata of the objects to connect these two datasets
On 6/5/07, Kevin Richards <> wrote: -
eg the sameAs, replacedBy, etc RDF tags that others have mentioned on this thread. Of course it is crucial that we reuse LSIDs where possible, but only if when referring to an external ID (ie not much point in having the ID for "your" data being the LSID of another system - then your data will never be uniquely identified, or retrievable). Does this make sense?
Roger Hyam <> 06/04/07 9:31 PM >>> Wow this is a big thread appears over the weekend!
I am posting without having time to read and digest everything in its entirety but only to answer Jason's original question I hope.
Received wisdom is don't use the version part of an LSID. If you did you would be creating new LSIDs anyhow so in a way it doesn't matter. The identifier is supposed to be opaque so the client should never break the LSID into parts anyhow and would only to byte identical comparisons to the LSIDs themselves to see whether they are the same things or not.
If you want to do versioning create an LSID for the "thing that changes" and an LSID for each version of that thing.
Each of the versions are linked by dcterm:replaces and dcterm:isReplacedBy.
Each version points to the LSID for the "thing that changes" with dcterm:isVersionOf
We have our own vocabulary item for the one link in the change that isn't support by Dublin Core. tcom:versionedAs
This points from the "thing that changes" to the current version. i.e. the version that has identical metadata to itself. Anyone who caches the data for the current version of the LSID can know which version they have so if it becomes retrospectively important to get back to the actual version it is possible.
Philosophically when do you version? Only the provider can say that a change is significant enough to warrant a new version - but if you have gone to the trouble of implementing version control you may as well do it for any change. Only the data provider can say whether the "thing that changes" has changed so much that it is no longer the same thing.
Personally I believe this approach nails the versioning issues.
There is the perennial debate about whether an LSID points to a physical object or not (when it doesn't have byte stream associated with it). The answer is easy. It points to a digital object. If you doubt this try destroying a physical specimen and then asking whether you should do away with the LSID and associated data? Clearly you would maintain a record of something you once had so that you could still return the data. Likewise if you gave the specimen to another institution you would maintain a record of having had it but would, hopefully, link to the new institutions record of it.
Hope this is helpful.
On 3 Jun 2007, at 15:08, Paul Kirk wrote:
Anybody got any views (strong, otherwise or proxy for others views) on whether the LSID should refer to data+metadata or just metadata?
From where I sit, closer to physical objects than bits in a bit stream, I favour the former. Take names for example. Strings of characters and spaces whose form is governed by Codes and one of the means, if not the primary mean, by which we communicate (verbally, in print or electronically) about biodiversity. For LSIDs applied to names my understanding is that they must resolve to an unchanging bit stream representing the name (we implemented this in Index Fungorum 1st May 2005 when we set up the demo resolver) but the associated metadata may change. If I'm correct on this one how does it work for LSIDs only resolving metadata, which is not fixed. I know Roger tried to explain this one to me but I'm still not sure it's entirely logical.
I think I'm with Rod on the LSIDs for specimens - they do not represent the physical object but are a sort of digital substitute (or substitutes) of that object.
And I also support Rods view that we should as far as possible avoid the duplication of GUIDs. Thus, for names it appears logical (although I must declare an 'interest' here so others may see a conflict) that the globally recognized nomenclators (IPNI, IF, ZooBank (soon), the bacterial list, the algal list, the virus database - I forget the acronyms here) be charged with providing these GUIDs (currently as LSIDs) for all of us to use. And following on from that, the 'institution' which is charged with providing the digital representation of specimens is the institution which is the custodian of the physical object.
From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Sun 03/06/2007 12:03 To: Weitzman, Anna Cc: Richard Pyle; Paul Kirk; Jason Best; Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
I think we need to be clear what gets an LSID (or a GUID in general).
Some of the things listed by Anna are digital records, such as an image. It seems simplest to give these GUIDs that identify the image, with metadata linking the image to the thing the image depicts (there are existing RDF vocabularies to do this).
Some things listed, such as a specimen, are physical objects. These are different from digital objects, and they way in which GUIDs that identify real things are handled has caused all manner of discussion (see and related pages bookmarked at LSIDs don't handle this well, unless we rely on metadata saying "the thing identified by."
So, at least on this level to say that all seven things get the same GUID is clearly a non starter.
Relationships between things can be easily specified in metadata ("is part of", "depicts", "is kind of").
The final issue is GUID reuse, that is, if somebody uses a INOTAXA record, they should at a minimum refer to the INOTAXA LSID. This would particularly apply to aggregators such as GBIF, who should not present their own identifiers unless GBIF has actually created the data. You often state "presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form". It's not clear to what that means, but if it's GBIF because INOTAXA serves it, then I think GBIF should use INOTAXA LSIDs to refer to INOTAXA records.
Clearly, generating a plethora a new, effectively local ids (masquerading as global) is not a recipe for progress. If we don't reuse GUIDs we are wasting our time.
On 2 Jun 2007, at 18:53, Weitzman, Anna wrote:
Hi Rich (et al.), I'm going to join this particular discussion in spite of the fact that I have not been able to follow the entire GUID discussion over the past couple of years and I may be repeating things that have been resolved.
Let's continue to investigate whether an LSID applies to the physical specimen or the database record (or both?).
What about the record(s) for that same physical object in the literature? As we mark up literature, we are going to generate LSIDs for specimen records that will need to be resolved to be related to the same physical object (in a collection) and the data record (usually in that same collection's database).
Let's look at the example that Chris Lyal and I are contemplating as we work on implementing an INOTAXA pilot to show in Bratislava: 1) a weevil specimen here at USNM (a type described in the BCA) 2) a record for it in the museum's database (we do have a type database for insects, and it will be available in a year or two), available on the museum's website, through GBIF, and through INOTAXA 3) a record from digitized and parsed BCA in INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 4) a record for the same weevil from a paper published in the 1950s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 5) a record for that weevil from a paper published in the 1990s available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 6) a published image (or series of images) in the paper from the 1990s -- but now also digitized and made available through INOTAXA (presumably shortly also available to GBIF in some form) 7) a digitized image (or series of images) made in our imaging project and made available through the museum's database, INOTAXA, GBIF and MorphoBank
Either each of these (1-7) will need to have its own LSID (or an equivalent in the case of the specimen itself) or they will all need to have the same LSID. If the former, they will all have to resolve to the same parent LSID--is this for the specimen or the record in its home database?--in order for the overall biodiversity information system to really work.
Or let's take that a step further and make that a fish, where not only is there a record in the museum's database with its LSID, but that same record for the same fish that was imported some years ago into FishBase (now out of date perhaps, but still available to GBIF and via Fishbase). At the time, it was imported without an LSID and FishBase has (presumably) assigned it's own LSID...
Or let's say that someone else digitized their copy of the same BCA volume and followed the INOTAXA (taXMLit) and assigned yet another LSID for the specimen that really the same 'record' or different from the one in #3?
I would like to think that in the long run we do not need multiple LSIDs for records that refer to the same specimen or record (as long as we can be truly certain that they are 'the same'. After all, the literature markup has a whole series of unique IDs for its various parts already, so can't we refer to 'the use of LSID 123 in workID 987' or 'the use of LSID 123 on pageID 456 in workID 987'?
There are a lot of IDs here, but unless every collection database already has an LSID that we can 'grab' and use in INOTAXA we are going to have to create our own LSIDs and count on a community resolver to sort it all out (and even if that were true, not all the specimens that we are going to be referring to from INOTAXA have been put in electronic form anyplace else, so we will have to assign LSIDs at least temporarily--Paul did not mention how they are going to deal with the Zoological name LSIDs as at least a temporary solution--but I assume that they have a similar problem).
I'm sure I don't know what the best solution is, but that's what I'm counting on the computer scientists in this group to tell me. I just hope they tell me soon, since we're going to need answers soon!
Cheers, Anna
Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
office: 202.633.0846 mobile: 202.415.4684
From: on behalf of Richard Pyle Sent: Sat 02-Jun-07 5:08 AM To: 'Paul Kirk'; 'Jason Best'; Subject: RE: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
Paul and List,
First, I should clarify something about my earlier post. I wrote at the start of Scenario 3:
"3) Issue data-less LSIDs without using the revision ID feature, and track data change history separately from the LSIDs"
That should have been "...and track *metadata* change history separately from the LSIDs" (metadata, not data).
So, without making things too complicated as we 'start to walk' in this domain of biodiversity informatics my vote is for a variation of scenario 3) from Rich. The reason I vote for this is that in the fullness of time, and the 'herb.IMI' database has already started this, much of the metadata with be LSIDs and it's correctness (i.e. sorting out typos etc) will be delegated to the entities who issue those LSIDs. As IPNI improves the quality of the metadata associated with the LSIDs they issue (and if I understand correctly they do use the scenario 3) from Rich) so the quality of the metadata associated with a 'herb.IMI' LSID improves. The reason I prefer the data + metadate 'model' is that in this instance the data is fixed ... who changes collection/accession numbers? ... so perfect for this role. Even if a collection moves to a new owner the original data need not 'disappear' in the same way that DOI's move with the objects as book and journal titles change from one publisher to another.
So...if I understand correctly, you differ from my scenario 3 in that you do generate data-bearing LSIDs for specimens, but the data part is limited to only the Accession number, not the complete set of data fields associated with the record -- correct? So, in effect, the object LSID actially applies to is the binary accession number, not the "concept" of the specimen. I can imagine in this case that the LSID can be thought of as representing the "concept of the specimen" because the accession number itself is a surrogate for the physical specimen. The only thing that concerns me about this approach is that there is a non-zero incidence of accidental duplicate catalog numbers within a given collection, and possibly errors in associating catalog numbers. For example, if the computer database for a collection had an error created by a technician who, for example, entered the metadata for accession number IMI1234569 by mistake, when it should have been IMI1234596 (and vice versa), then branding the accession number as "data" for the LSID means that the LSID technically *must* stay with the accession number (not the specimen associated with the metadata for that LSID), after the error is discovered. Not a huge problem, but could surprise people who had indexed the LSID before the error was discovered, who then came back to resolve it again after the error was fixed (i.e., they would get totally wrong information). Given how rare this problem is likely to be (against a backdrop of many far more likely problems we will have to overcome), I don't see this as a strong reason not to proceed with your plan.
Final point, the 'data' is the 'herb.IMI' accession number; in context this is a GUI because of the existence of Index Herbariorum. So, our data will be 123456 not IMI123456 because ... in the fullness of time we will include an Index Herbariorum LSID to 'identify' the 'institutional acronym' element of the metadata.
Is the binary data for the accession number in 8-bit, or 16-bit? I'm assuming 8-bit would be fine, as I suspect all collections would have accession numbers that can be rendered with 256-character ASCII. Is there any "wrapper" to the number as binary data, or is it a straight ASCII binary representation (e.g.: 001100010011001000110011001101000011010100110110 for "12345")?
I'm not sure I follow the logic of how embedding the accession number as data for the LSID allows the LSID to move to a new owner. I would think the opposite. Isn't it likely that the new owner would create their own accession number for the specimen? In this case, they would be forced to generate a new LSID if they were following the same practice of encoding the accession number as "data", rather than metadata.
Also, wouldn't it make more sense to include the acronym (IMI) as part of the data for the LSID? At least that way the "12345" would have *some* context.
Finally, this approach would work only for collections where there is a strict 1:1 correlation between accession numbers and specimen objects for which an LSID is desired.
Thanks for your comments -- this thread is already forcing me to think about things in a way I hadn't thought of them before.
Aloha, Rich
Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email:
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---------------------------------------- Professor Roderic D. M. Page Editor, Systematic Biology DEEB, IBLS Graham Kerr Building University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QP United Kingdom Phone: +44 141 330 4778 Fax: +44 141 330 2792 email: web: iChat: aim://rodpage1962 reprints: Subscribe to Systematic Biology through the Society of Systematic Biologists Website: Search for taxon names: Find out what we know about a species: Rod's rants on phyloinformatics: Rod's rants on ants:
Rod, I've only had a chance to quickly skim the documents you reference, but it seems to me that the alternatives to LSIDs don't necessarily make the issues with which we are wrestling go away. We still need to decide WHAT a URI references - is it the metadata, the physical object etc? URIs don't explicitly require persistance, while LSIDs do so I see that as a positive for adopting a standard GUID that is explicit in that regard. I think the TDWG effort to spec an HTTP proxy for LSIDs makes it clear that the technical hurdles of implementing an LSID resolver (SVR records, new protocol, client limitations etc) are a bit cumbersome, but I don't think the underlying concept is fatally flawed. In reading these discussions, I'm starting to believe/understand that RDF may hold the key, regardless of the GUID that is implemented. Now I have to go read up more on RDF to see if my new-found belief has merit! ;) Jason ________________________________ From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:10 PM To: Chuck Miller Cc: Bob Morris; Kevin Richards;;; Jason Best Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned] Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and consider the elephant in the room -- LSIDs might not be what we want. Markus Döring sent some nice references to the list in April, which I've repeated below, there is also . I think the LSID debate is throwing up issues which have been addressed elsewhere (e.g., identifiers for physical things versus digital records), and some would argue have been solved to at least some people's satisfaction. LSIDs got us thinking about RDF, which is great. But otherwise I think they are making things more complicated than they need to be. I think this community is running a grave risk of committing to a technology that nobody else takes that seriously (hell, even the web site is broken). The references posted by Markus Döring were: (1) "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" by Leo Sauermann DFKI GmbH, Richard Cyganiak Freie Universität Berlin (D2R author), Max Völkel FZI Karlsruhe The authors of this document come from the semantic web community and discuss what kind of URIs should be used for RDF resources. (2) This one here is written by the W3C and addresses the questions "When should URNs or URIs with novel URI schemes be used to name information resources for the Web?" The answers given are "Rarely if ever" and "Probably not". Common arguments in favor of such novel naming schemas are examined, and their properties compared with those of the existing http: URI scheme. Regards Rod
Hi All, Just a quick comment now, and I hope to find more time later to respond to many other comments made on this thread.
From what I've seen of alternatives to LSIDs, I tend to agree with Jason and Kevin on this. The fundamental outstanding issues need to be sorted out within our community, independent of the GUID technology implemented -- I don't see how the choice of GUID will affect these sorts of decisions much.
Having said that, though, I do strongly share Rod's apprehension about "committing to a technology" -- any technology. At this point in history, we simply do not know what the techno-network-webservices infrastructure will be like in ten years, let alone 100 years; so the last thing we want to do is commit too deeply to anything that we can't back out of reasonably painlessly down the road. Nevertheless, I'm strongly inclined to run with LSIDs for now, and see how they pan out over the next couple of years. DOIs are a non-starter on fiscal parameters alone (even if they cost a penny a piece, I don't have the budget to apply them to all of the specimens, identification events, taxon name usages, and a myriad of other things I want to assign GUIDs to). I am thinking about ways to "hedge my bets" a bit, though. One idea I had, which I discussed with Rod recently, was to register a Handle prefix, and incorporate that prefix as part of the ObjectID for the LSIDs we generate. So, suppose I established a Handle prefix of 1234, and my internal identifier for a data record is 9876543. I would then format my LSID as something like: I know that LSIDs are semantically opaque (sort of), but the point is that the ObjectID alone is effectively a GUID by itself. If we ever decided to abandon LSIDs, it would be a very simple matter to strip the non-objectID LSID syntax and be left with a legitimate (and presumably resolvable) Handle. Even if we don't switch to Handles per se, the fundmantal practicality of generating GUIDs as a two-part <IssuerID>/<LocalObjectID> generic approach is very attractive. The only thing we, as a community, would need to coordinate on is ensuring uniqueness of the "<IssuerID>" part. Food for thought, anyway. A longer response forthcoming.... Aloha, Rich Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email: ________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Jason Best Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 10:39 AM To: Roderic Page; Chuck Miller Cc:; Subject: RE: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs Rod, I've only had a chance to quickly skim the documents you reference, but it seems to me that the alternatives to LSIDs don't necessarily make the issues with which we are wrestling go away. We still need to decide WHAT a URI references - is it the metadata, the physical object etc? URIs don't explicitly require persistance, while LSIDs do so I see that as a positive for adopting a standard GUID that is explicit in that regard. I think the TDWG effort to spec an HTTP proxy for LSIDs makes it clear that the technical hurdles of implementing an LSID resolver (SVR records, new protocol, client limitations etc) are a bit cumbersome, but I don't think the underlying concept is fatally flawed. In reading these discussions, I'm starting to believe/understand that RDF may hold the key, regardless of the GUID that is implemented. Now I have to go read up more on RDF to see if my new-found belief has merit! ;) Jason ________________________________ From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:10 PM To: Chuck Miller Cc: Bob Morris; Kevin Richards;;; Jason Best Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned] Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and consider the elephant in the room -- LSIDs might not be what we want. Markus Döring sent some nice references to the list in April, which I've repeated below, there is also . I think the LSID debate is throwing up issues which have been addressed elsewhere (e.g., identifiers for physical things versus digital records), and some would argue have been solved to at least some people's satisfaction. LSIDs got us thinking about RDF, which is great. But otherwise I think they are making things more complicated than they need to be. I think this community is running a grave risk of committing to a technology that nobody else takes that seriously (hell, even the web site is broken). The references posted by Markus Döring were: (1) "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" by Leo Sauermann DFKI GmbH, Richard Cyganiak Freie Universität Berlin (D2R author), Max Völkel FZI Karlsruhe The authors of this document come from the semantic web community and discuss what kind of URIs should be used for RDF resources. (2) This one here is written by the W3C and addresses the questions "When should URNs or URIs with novel URI schemes be used to name information resources for the Web?" The answers given are "Rarely if ever" and "Probably not". Common arguments in favor of such novel naming schemas are examined, and their properties compared with those of the existing http: URI scheme. Regards Rod
We still need to decide WHAT a URI references - is it the metadata, the physical object etc?
Physical things get URIs (that means you, me, specimens, etc.). If they don't, it's rather hard to talk about them. Documents (images, PDFs, sound files, text, etc.) also get URIs. The "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" paper is essentially about this. There are solutions to handling this issue (e.g., the 303 redirect). This is one reason why I think LSIDs have obscured this issue. People have been arguing about whether an LSID serves metadata or data, which to my mind is a totally different question from whether the LSID represents a physical object or concept, or a digital record.
URIs don't explicitly require persistance, while LSIDs do so I see that as a positive for adopting a standard GUID that is explicit in that regard.
But we kid ourselves if we think that adopting LSIDs will magically give us persistent identfiiers. Persistence is a social act (somebody makes a commitment to serve them for "a long time"). If I were to make an equivalent of "The Big Dig" for LSID providers (http://, I bet you there will be more than a few "sad faces". Even the DOIs break. The difference? There's somebody to complain to when they do. I complain about broken DOIs about once a month, and usually I get a human response and the problem is resolved. DOIs (and Handles underlying them) have tools to facilitate management, which is part of persistence.
I think the TDWG effort to spec an HTTP proxy for LSIDs makes it clear that the technical hurdles of implementing an LSID resolver (SVR records, new protocol, client limitations etc) are a bit cumbersome, but I don't think the underlying concept is fatally flawed
But the question is "why put ourselves through these hurdles?" What do we gain? Do we aid persistence? By adding further complexity, I don't think so? Do we get to play ball with other semantic web-style initiatives, um, no, we make it harder. Regards Rod On 5 Jun 2007, at 21:39, Jason Best wrote:
Rod, I've only had a chance to quickly skim the documents you reference, but it seems to me that the alternatives to LSIDs don't necessarily make the issues with which we are wrestling go away. We still need to decide WHAT a URI references - is it the metadata, the physical object etc? URIs don't explicitly require persistance, while LSIDs do so I see that as a positive for adopting a standard GUID that is explicit in that regard. I think the TDWG effort to spec an HTTP proxy for LSIDs makes it clear that the technical hurdles of implementing an LSID resolver (SVR records, new protocol, client limitations etc) are a bit cumbersome, but I don't think the underlying concept is fatally flawed. In reading these discussions, I'm starting to believe/understand that RDF may hold the key, regardless of the GUID that is implemented. Now I have to go read up more on RDF to see if my new-found belief has merit! ;)
From: Roderic Page [] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 2:10 PM To: Chuck Miller Cc: Bob Morris; Kevin Richards;;; Jason Best Subject: Re: [tdwg-guid] First step in implementing LSIDs?[Scanned]
Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and consider the elephant in the room -- LSIDs might not be what we want. Markus Döring sent some nice references to the list in April, which I've repeated below, there is also .
I think the LSID debate is throwing up issues which have been addressed elsewhere (e.g., identifiers for physical things versus digital records), and some would argue have been solved to at least some people's satisfaction.
LSIDs got us thinking about RDF, which is great. But otherwise I think they are making things more complicated than they need to be. I think this community is running a grave risk of committing to a technology that nobody else takes that seriously (hell, even the web site is broken).
The references posted by Markus Döring were:
(1) tm-07-01.pdf "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" by Leo Sauermann DFKI GmbH, Richard Cyganiak Freie Universität Berlin (D2R author), Max Völkel FZI Karlsruhe The authors of this document come from the semantic web community and discuss what kind of URIs should be used for RDF resources.
(2) This one here is written by the W3C and addresses the questions "When should URNs or URIs with novel URI schemes be used to name information resources for the Web?" The answers given are "Rarely if ever" and "Probably not". Common arguments in favor of such novel naming schemas are examined, and their properties compared with those of the existing http: URI scheme.
---------------------------------------- Professor Roderic D. M. Page Editor, Systematic Biology DEEB, IBLS Graham Kerr Building University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QP United Kingdom Phone: +44 141 330 4778 Fax: +44 141 330 2792 email: web: iChat: aim://rodpage1962 reprints: Subscribe to Systematic Biology through the Society of Systematic Biologists Website: Search for taxon names: Find out what we know about a species: Rod's rants on phyloinformatics: Rod's rants on ants:
participants (6)
Bob Morris
Chuck Miller
Jason Best
Kevin Richards
Richard Pyle
Roderic Page