Maybe. It seems pretty interesting as a vocabulary, but not much else. The kicker is Section 6, the last in the document, which in its entirety is: 6 Conformance This Reference Architecture is an abstract architecture, which means that it is especially difficult to construct automated tests for conformance to the architecture. However, in order to be conformant to this architecture, it should be possible to identify in a concrete implementation the key concepts and components of this architecture, albeit in abstracted form. Although I probably will take it on airplanes for further reading, I'm fairly sure that I got the gist in the 20 minutes I spent to get through all 102 pages, because by page 30, I had already constructed in my head what was more-or-less exactly section 6 above. I perused the document with an initial skepticism that arose from the absence of representation on the committee of any organization, commercial or not, that has SOA products. As best I can tell, the document was written by \builders/ of SOAs. Some of the major tools they use, such as Enterprise Service Bus platforms, which while not specific to SOAs, are often the major building block. I am also suspicious of documents that use UML as a metaphor but claim they are using it as a specification. (Expounding on that point requires a separate, long, piece, better put on a wiki than email....) Finally, OASIS is not the only one trying to specify SOA, only the longest in the game. See also http://www.opengroup.org/projects/soa/doc.tpl?CALLER=index.tpl&gdid=13577, which doesn't seem to be very far along. Bob On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 1:44 AM, Blum, Stan <sblum@calacademy.org> wrote:
This is likely to be very relevant to TDWG.
From: Mary McRae on behalf of Mary McRae Sent: Fri 2008-05-09 9:13 AM To: members@lists.oasis-open.org; tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org Cc: soa-rm@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [members] Public Review of SOA-RA v1.0
To OASIS members, Public Announce Lists:
The OASIS Service Oriented Architecture Reference Model (SOA-RM) TC has recently approved the following specification as a Committee Draft and approved the package for public review:
Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture Version 1.0
The public review starts today, 9 May 2008, and ends 8 July 2008. This is an open invitation to comment. We strongly encourage feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of OASIS work. Please feel free to distribute this announcement within your organization and to other appropriate mail lists.
More non-normative information about the specification and the technical committee may be found at the public home page of the TC at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=soa-rm. Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be located via the button marked "Send A Comment" at the top of that page, or directly at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=soa-rm.
Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that TC) are publicly archived and can be viewed at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/soa-rm-comment/. All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members.
The specification document and related files are available here:
Editable Source: http://docs.oasis-open.org/soa-rm/soa-ra/v1.0/soa-ra-pr-01.doc
PDF (Authoritative): http://docs.oasis-open.org/soa-rm/soa-ra/v1.0/soa-ra-pr-01.pdf
HTML: http://docs.oasis-open.org/soa-rm/soa-ra/v1.0/soa-ra-pr-01.html
Abstract: "This document specifies the OASIS Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture. It follows from the concepts and relationships defined in the OASIS Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture. While it remains abstract in nature, the current document describes one possible template upon which a SOA concrete architecture can be built.
"Our focus in this architecture is on an approach to integrating business with the information technology needed to support it. The issues involved with integration are always present, but, we find, are thrown into clear focus when business integration involves crossing ownership boundaries.
"The Reference Architecture has three main views: the Business via Service view which lays the foundation for conducting business in the context of Service Oriented Architecture; the Realizing Services view which addresses the requirements for constructing a Service Oriented Architecture; and the Owning Service Oriented Architecture view which focuses on the governance and management of SOA-based systems."
OASIS and the Service Oriented Architecture Reference Model (SOA-RM) TC welcome your comments.
--------------------------------------------------- Mary P McRae Manager of TC Administration, OASIS email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org web: www.oasis-open.org
This email list is used solely by OASIS for official consortium communications.
Opt-out requests may be sent to member-services@oasis-open.org, however, all members are strongly encouraged to maintain a subscription to this list.
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-- Robert A. Morris Professor of Computer Science UMASS-Boston ram@cs.umb.edu http://bdei.cs.umb.edu/ http://www.cs.umb.edu/~ram http://www.cs.umb.edu/~ram/calendar.html phone (+1)617 287 6466