One easy way would be to make two sampling events that are distinguished by their targets but otherwise having all the same characteristics. On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 12:42 PM Yi Ming Gan <ymgan@naturalsciences.be> wrote:
Hi all
I am working on the dataset from Antarctic OBIS for the Humboldt Documentation. I encounter an issue: For all of the events (at that location, depth, with the sampling protocol and effort), the scientists were targeting:
- myctophids - all life stages - paralepidids - larvae and juvenile
How can I fill in the “targetTaxonomicScope" and “targetLifeStageScope" for each sampling event? Thanks a lot!!
Bests Ming
PS: Yani, I hope you are recovering well! Take care! _______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt