Hi all,
Hope you are doing well!
I have been advancing on the manuscript (thanks to everybody who
contributed so far!) and I am struggling with the figures. *Would any of
you be available to meet briefly today at our regular meeting time? (12 UTC
here <https://yale.zoom.us/j/97318391101>)*
*Please contribute to the HE manuscript if you are interested (MS here
track your changes please!). Introduction, Methods and Results need to be
revised and edited. Discussion still needs a lot of writing so you are
welcome to include your ideas there!*
Hope to see you later today or next week,
Dear all,
Last week we had a great meeting where we discussed the advances on the HE
manuscript (here
We are still working on this first draft, in particular, we are still
drafting the discussion and the figures. I will start assigning some
sections for you to review or write from scratch. *Please let me know if
you do not feel comfortable with these assignments. *
One key item that we discussed is that we would like to switch the
terminology to 'surveys'. This would be the main way to refer to a sampling
event. Although 'inventory' and 'sampling' will also be used along the
text. Somewhere we will need to add a paragraph saying that we will use the
terms interchangeably.
I do not think we need to meet today, but the *link is open and feel free
to use it to discuss any particular matter.* Thanks, John for those great
visuals on the events, I encourage you to meet and keep discussing this
All the best,