Hi list, this is my first e-mail in a list like this so hope I'm doing it right at the right place :) I'm developing a web application about orchids observations from users and would like to allow them to download the observation (or a group of them) in Simple Darwin Core formatted as XML. I've been reading a useful guide in http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/simple/index.htm and have written my PHP generator but I'm still having some questions regarding to the use of it. 1.- I guess I should use Occurrence in dc:type 2.- Can I add any taxonomical information even if its an Occurrence? I think I can and in fact I should, as in the guide says: "Support (provide data in) as many fields as you can.". So, with this facts, is this a correct Simple Darwin Core xml file? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SimpleDarwinRecordSet xmlns="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dwc="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/ http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd"> <SimpleDarwinRecord> <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> <dcterms:language>es</dcterms:language> <dcterms:rights>Contenido bajo licencia Creative Commons 3.0</dcterms:rights> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:accessRights>Para uso no comercial únicamente</dcterms:accessRights> <dwc:institutionID>NIF AIO: XXXXXXX</dwc:institutionID> <dwc:institutionCode>AIO</dwc:institutionCode> <dwc:basisOfRecord>HumanObservation</dwc:basisOfRecord> <dwc:informationWithheld>Consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología para más detalles acerca de la observación</dwc:informationWithheld> <dwc:dataGeneralizations>La información mostrada se muestra con una imprecisión variable de 11 metros a 11 kilómetros. Para una información más precisa consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dwc:dataGeneralizations> <dwc:catalogNumber>160</dwc:catalogNumber> <dwc:occurrenceDetails>http://localhost/pfc/app/base.php?contet=view_observation&id=160</dwc:occurrenceDetails> <dwc:occurrenceRemarks>una apífera en jaca</dwc:occurrenceRemarks> <dwc:recordedBy>510183 </dwc:recordedBy> <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition> <dwc:associatedMedia>http://localhost/pfc/app/uploads/da77dc5ea69b06b66ce6cbb9f069ea2b.jpeg</dwc:associatedMedia> <dwc:country>Spain</dwc:country> <dwc:stateProvince>Huesca</dwc:stateProvince> <dwc:county>Aragón</dwc:county> <dwc:municipality>Borau</dwc:municipality> <dwc:verbatimElevation>935 m</dwc:verbatimElevation> <dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem>decimal degrees</dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem> <dwc:verbatimSRS>WGS84</dwc:verbatimSRS> <dwc:decimalLatitude>42.63500</dwc:decimalLatitude> <dwc:decimalLongitude>-0.58500</dwc:decimalLongitude> <dwc:geodeticDatum>WGS84</dwc:geodeticDatum> <dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters>1111</dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters> <dwc:scientificName>Ophrys apifera</dwc:scientificName> <dwc:kingdom>Plantae</dwc:kingdom> <dwc:phylum>Magnoliophyta</dwc:phylum> <dwc:class>Liliopsida</dwc:class> <dwc:order>Orchidales</dwc:order> <dwc:family>Orchidaceae</dwc:family> <dwc:genus>Ophrys</dwc:genus> <dwc:specificEpithet>apifera</dwc:specificEpithet> <dwc:taxonRank>species</dwc:taxonRank> </SimpleDarwinRecord> </SimpleDarwinRecordSet> Thanks in advance, Jaime

Welcome Jaime, This is the right place for your questions. It looks like you have the right idea about the XML, but there are a few details that are wrong. For reference, it may be useful for you to have a look at the Darwin Core XML Guide (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/guides/xml/index.htm), which is accessible from the index at the left side of all of the Darwin Core pages. The Guide explains some best practices and gives some examples. Section 2.6 is specifically about the Simple Darwin Core and has a link to a complete Simple Darwin Core XML document at http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/examples/xml/example_simple.xml. Answers to your questions: 1) almost - it should be Occurrence, but it should be for the term dc:type, not dctype:type 2) Yes. Add as much information as makes sense for the type of record you are sharing. Now, some specific things I see in your example... 1) <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> should be <dc:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> 2) <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> should be <dc:modified>2009-08-03</dc:modified> and so with all of the other Dublin Core terms since your namesapce declaration for Dublin Core is "dc", not "dcterms" in the line that says xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" 3) The institutionID should be a persistent global unique identifier, if possible. 4) dataGeneralizations - nice! 5) occurrenceDetails - I know it's just an example, but localhost isn't going to have the details except in a very special situation. ;-) 6) recordedBy - this is supposed to be the observer's name, you have "510183 ". That trailing space probably shouldn't be there either. 7) <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> should be <dwc:individualCount xsi:nil="true"/> 8) You have <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>, but this term is meant to contain information about the status of an object object with respect to a collection ("in collection", "lost", etc.). You should use the dwc:preparations term instead. 9) localhost again Hope this is helpful. Thanks for trying out the brand new Darwin Core! John On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jaime Bosque <jaboto@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,
this is my first e-mail in a list like this so hope I'm doing it right at the right place :)
I'm developing a web application about orchids observations from users and would like to allow them to download the observation (or a group of them) in Simple Darwin Core formatted as XML.
I've been reading a useful guide in http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/simple/index.htm and have written my PHP generator but I'm still having some questions regarding to the use of it.
1.- I guess I should use Occurrence in dc:type 2.- Can I add any taxonomical information even if its an Occurrence? I think I can and in fact I should, as in the guide says: "Support (provide data in) as many fields as you can.".
So, with this facts, is this a correct Simple Darwin Core xml file? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SimpleDarwinRecordSet xmlns="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dwc="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/ http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd"> <SimpleDarwinRecord> <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> <dcterms:language>es</dcterms:language> <dcterms:rights>Contenido bajo licencia Creative Commons 3.0</dcterms:rights> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:accessRights>Para uso no comercial únicamente</dcterms:accessRights> <dwc:institutionID>NIF AIO: XXXXXXX</dwc:institutionID> <dwc:institutionCode>AIO</dwc:institutionCode> <dwc:basisOfRecord>HumanObservation</dwc:basisOfRecord> <dwc:informationWithheld>Consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología para más detalles acerca de la observación</dwc:informationWithheld> <dwc:dataGeneralizations>La información mostrada se muestra con una imprecisión variable de 11 metros a 11 kilómetros. Para una información más precisa consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dwc:dataGeneralizations> <dwc:catalogNumber>160</dwc:catalogNumber>
<dwc:occurrenceDetails>http://localhost/pfc/app/base.php?contet=view_observation&id=160</dwc:occurrenceDetails> <dwc:occurrenceRemarks>una apífera en jaca</dwc:occurrenceRemarks> <dwc:recordedBy>510183 </dwc:recordedBy> <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>
<dwc:associatedMedia>http://localhost/pfc/app/uploads/da77dc5ea69b06b66ce6cbb9f069ea2b.jpeg</dwc:associatedMedia> <dwc:country>Spain</dwc:country> <dwc:stateProvince>Huesca</dwc:stateProvince> <dwc:county>Aragón</dwc:county> <dwc:municipality>Borau</dwc:municipality> <dwc:verbatimElevation>935 m</dwc:verbatimElevation> <dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem>decimal degrees</dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem> <dwc:verbatimSRS>WGS84</dwc:verbatimSRS> <dwc:decimalLatitude>42.63500</dwc:decimalLatitude> <dwc:decimalLongitude>-0.58500</dwc:decimalLongitude> <dwc:geodeticDatum>WGS84</dwc:geodeticDatum>
<dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters>1111</dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters> <dwc:scientificName>Ophrys apifera</dwc:scientificName> <dwc:kingdom>Plantae</dwc:kingdom> <dwc:phylum>Magnoliophyta</dwc:phylum> <dwc:class>Liliopsida</dwc:class> <dwc:order>Orchidales</dwc:order> <dwc:family>Orchidaceae</dwc:family> <dwc:genus>Ophrys</dwc:genus> <dwc:specificEpithet>apifera</dwc:specificEpithet> <dwc:taxonRank>species</dwc:taxonRank> </SimpleDarwinRecord> </SimpleDarwinRecordSet>
Thanks in advance, Jaime
_______________________________________________ tdwg-content mailing list tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-content

Hi John, wooow, I didn't expect such a quickly reply... :) About the specific things: 1) and 2) Okei, fixed. I used http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd as a guide and there the terms appear as dcterms and didn't notice while c&p. 3) Uhmmm, in my example was just a foobar string, I was thinking the use of the NIF of the Institution (NIF is "Número Identificacion Fiscal" which is like the identifier used by administrations in Spain, let's say it is like the ID of it). Is that a valid InstitutionID? 4) :) 5) Yep, you're right, its just that my PHP is hosted now in my computer, it is supposed to be updated when the application is moved to the right place. 6) Actually I'm using the name which was introduced by the user in the webpage. It should be a name but sometimes they left it blank so the first part of the e-mail account is used. Should I hide it if not present? 7) My fault, that should have been a commented line in PHP. 8) Yep, corrected! 9) :) Thanks for being so helpful and for your fast reply. Kind regards, Jaime John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
Welcome Jaime,
This is the right place for your questions. It looks like you have the right idea about the XML, but there are a few details that are wrong. For reference, it may be useful for you to have a look at the Darwin Core XML Guide (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/guides/xml/index.htm), which is accessible from the index at the left side of all of the Darwin Core pages. The Guide explains some best practices and gives some examples. Section 2.6 is specifically about the Simple Darwin Core and has a link to a complete Simple Darwin Core XML document at http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/examples/xml/example_simple.xml.
Answers to your questions: 1) almost - it should be Occurrence, but it should be for the term dc:type, not dctype:type 2) Yes. Add as much information as makes sense for the type of record you are sharing.
Now, some specific things I see in your example...
1) <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> should be <dc:type>Ocurrence</dc:type>
2) <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> should be <dc:modified>2009-08-03</dc:modified> and so with all of the other Dublin Core terms since your namesapce declaration for Dublin Core is "dc", not "dcterms" in the line that says xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
3) The institutionID should be a persistent global unique identifier, if possible.
4) dataGeneralizations - nice!
5) occurrenceDetails - I know it's just an example, but localhost isn't going to have the details except in a very special situation. ;-)
6) recordedBy - this is supposed to be the observer's name, you have "510183 ". That trailing space probably shouldn't be there either.
7) <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> should be <dwc:individualCount xsi:nil="true"/>
8) You have <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>, but this term is meant to contain information about the status of an object object with respect to a collection ("in collection", "lost", etc.). You should use the dwc:preparations term instead.
9) localhost again
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for trying out the brand new Darwin Core!
John On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jaime Bosque <jaboto@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,
this is my first e-mail in a list like this so hope I'm doing it right at the right place :)
I'm developing a web application about orchids observations from users and would like to allow them to download the observation (or a group of them) in Simple Darwin Core formatted as XML.
I've been reading a useful guide in http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/simple/index.htm and have written my PHP generator but I'm still having some questions regarding to the use of it.
1.- I guess I should use Occurrence in dc:type 2.- Can I add any taxonomical information even if its an Occurrence? I think I can and in fact I should, as in the guide says: "Support (provide data in) as many fields as you can.".
So, with this facts, is this a correct Simple Darwin Core xml file? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SimpleDarwinRecordSet xmlns="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dwc="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/ http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd"> <SimpleDarwinRecord> <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> <dcterms:language>es</dcterms:language> <dcterms:rights>Contenido bajo licencia Creative Commons 3.0</dcterms:rights> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:accessRights>Para uso no comercial únicamente</dcterms:accessRights> <dwc:institutionID>NIF AIO: XXXXXXX</dwc:institutionID> <dwc:institutionCode>AIO</dwc:institutionCode> <dwc:basisOfRecord>HumanObservation</dwc:basisOfRecord> <dwc:informationWithheld>Consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología para más detalles acerca de la observación</dwc:informationWithheld> <dwc:dataGeneralizations>La información mostrada se muestra con una imprecisión variable de 11 metros a 11 kilómetros. Para una información más precisa consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dwc:dataGeneralizations> <dwc:catalogNumber>160</dwc:catalogNumber>
<dwc:occurrenceDetails>http://localhost/pfc/app/base.php?contet=view_observation&id=160</dwc:occurrenceDetails> <dwc:occurrenceRemarks>una apífera en jaca</dwc:occurrenceRemarks> <dwc:recordedBy>510183 </dwc:recordedBy> <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>
<dwc:associatedMedia>http://localhost/pfc/app/uploads/da77dc5ea69b06b66ce6cbb9f069ea2b.jpeg</dwc:associatedMedia> <dwc:country>Spain</dwc:country> <dwc:stateProvince>Huesca</dwc:stateProvince> <dwc:county>Aragón</dwc:county> <dwc:municipality>Borau</dwc:municipality> <dwc:verbatimElevation>935 m</dwc:verbatimElevation> <dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem>decimal degrees</dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem> <dwc:verbatimSRS>WGS84</dwc:verbatimSRS> <dwc:decimalLatitude>42.63500</dwc:decimalLatitude> <dwc:decimalLongitude>-0.58500</dwc:decimalLongitude> <dwc:geodeticDatum>WGS84</dwc:geodeticDatum>
<dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters>1111</dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters> <dwc:scientificName>Ophrys apifera</dwc:scientificName> <dwc:kingdom>Plantae</dwc:kingdom> <dwc:phylum>Magnoliophyta</dwc:phylum> <dwc:class>Liliopsida</dwc:class> <dwc:order>Orchidales</dwc:order> <dwc:family>Orchidaceae</dwc:family> <dwc:genus>Ophrys</dwc:genus> <dwc:specificEpithet>apifera</dwc:specificEpithet> <dwc:taxonRank>species</dwc:taxonRank> </SimpleDarwinRecord> </SimpleDarwinRecordSet>
Thanks in advance, Jaime
_______________________________________________ tdwg-content mailing list tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-content

3) That may be the best you can do for now. If the institution was registered with a URI (for example, in the Biodiversity Collections Index - http://www.biodiversitycollectionsindex.org/static/index.html), the URI would be a preferable ID. 6) I'm not sure what you mean by "hide it if it is not present". But if there is bona fide name, put it in recordedBy. If there isn't, use <dwc:recordedBy xsi:nil="true"/> My pleasure. John On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Jaime Bosque <jaboto@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,
wooow, I didn't expect such a quickly reply... :)
About the specific things: 1) and 2) Okei, fixed. I used http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd as a guide and there the terms appear as dcterms and didn't notice while c&p.
3) Uhmmm, in my example was just a foobar string, I was thinking the use of the NIF of the Institution (NIF is "Número Identificacion Fiscal" which is like the identifier used by administrations in Spain, let's say it is like the ID of it). Is that a valid InstitutionID?
4) :)
5) Yep, you're right, its just that my PHP is hosted now in my computer, it is supposed to be updated when the application is moved to the right place.
6) Actually I'm using the name which was introduced by the user in the webpage. It should be a name but sometimes they left it blank so the first part of the e-mail account is used. Should I hide it if not present?
7) My fault, that should have been a commented line in PHP.
8) Yep, corrected!
9) :)
Thanks for being so helpful and for your fast reply.
Kind regards, Jaime
John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
Welcome Jaime,
This is the right place for your questions. It looks like you have the right idea about the XML, but there are a few details that are wrong. For reference, it may be useful for you to have a look at the Darwin Core XML Guide (http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/guides/xml/index.htm), which is accessible from the index at the left side of all of the Darwin Core pages. The Guide explains some best practices and gives some examples. Section 2.6 is specifically about the Simple Darwin Core and has a link to a complete Simple Darwin Core XML document at http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/examples/xml/example_simple.xml.
Answers to your questions: 1) almost - it should be Occurrence, but it should be for the term dc:type, not dctype:type 2) Yes. Add as much information as makes sense for the type of record you are sharing.
Now, some specific things I see in your example...
1) <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> should be <dc:type>Ocurrence</dc:type>
2) <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> should be <dc:modified>2009-08-03</dc:modified> and so with all of the other Dublin Core terms since your namesapce declaration for Dublin Core is "dc", not "dcterms" in the line that says xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/"
3) The institutionID should be a persistent global unique identifier, if possible.
4) dataGeneralizations - nice!
5) occurrenceDetails - I know it's just an example, but localhost isn't going to have the details except in a very special situation. ;-)
6) recordedBy - this is supposed to be the observer's name, you have "510183 ". That trailing space probably shouldn't be there either.
7) <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> should be <dwc:individualCount xsi:nil="true"/>
8) You have <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>, but this term is meant to contain information about the status of an object object with respect to a collection ("in collection", "lost", etc.). You should use the dwc:preparations term instead.
9) localhost again
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for trying out the brand new Darwin Core!
John On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jaime Bosque <jaboto@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list,
this is my first e-mail in a list like this so hope I'm doing it right at the right place :)
I'm developing a web application about orchids observations from users and would like to allow them to download the observation (or a group of them) in Simple Darwin Core formatted as XML.
I've been reading a useful guide in http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/simple/index.htm and have written my PHP generator but I'm still having some questions regarding to the use of it.
1.- I guess I should use Occurrence in dc:type 2.- Can I add any taxonomical information even if its an Occurrence? I think I can and in fact I should, as in the guide says: "Support (provide data in) as many fields as you can.".
So, with this facts, is this a correct Simple Darwin Core xml file? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SimpleDarwinRecordSet xmlns="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dwc="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcrecord/ http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd"> <SimpleDarwinRecord> <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> <dcterms:modified>2009-08-03</dcterms:modified> <dcterms:language>es</dcterms:language> <dcterms:rights>Contenido bajo licencia Creative Commons 3.0</dcterms:rights> <dcterms:rightsHolder>Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dcterms:rightsHolder> <dcterms:accessRights>Para uso no comercial únicamente</dcterms:accessRights> <dwc:institutionID>NIF AIO: XXXXXXX</dwc:institutionID> <dwc:institutionCode>AIO</dwc:institutionCode> <dwc:basisOfRecord>HumanObservation</dwc:basisOfRecord> <dwc:informationWithheld>Consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología para más detalles acerca de la observación</dwc:informationWithheld> <dwc:dataGeneralizations>La información mostrada se muestra con una imprecisión variable de 11 metros a 11 kilómetros. Para una información más precisa consultar a la Asociación Ibérica de Orquideología</dwc:dataGeneralizations> <dwc:catalogNumber>160</dwc:catalogNumber>
<dwc:occurrenceDetails>http://localhost/pfc/app/base.php?contet=view_observation&id=160</dwc:occurrenceDetails> <dwc:occurrenceRemarks>una apífera en jaca</dwc:occurrenceRemarks> <dwc:recordedBy>510183 </dwc:recordedBy> <dwc:individualCount> </dwc:individualCount> <dwc:disposition>photograph</dwc:disposition>
<dwc:associatedMedia>http://localhost/pfc/app/uploads/da77dc5ea69b06b66ce6cbb9f069ea2b.jpeg</dwc:associatedMedia> <dwc:country>Spain</dwc:country> <dwc:stateProvince>Huesca</dwc:stateProvince> <dwc:county>Aragón</dwc:county> <dwc:municipality>Borau</dwc:municipality> <dwc:verbatimElevation>935 m</dwc:verbatimElevation> <dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem>decimal degrees</dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem> <dwc:verbatimSRS>WGS84</dwc:verbatimSRS> <dwc:decimalLatitude>42.63500</dwc:decimalLatitude> <dwc:decimalLongitude>-0.58500</dwc:decimalLongitude> <dwc:geodeticDatum>WGS84</dwc:geodeticDatum>
<dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters>1111</dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters> <dwc:scientificName>Ophrys apifera</dwc:scientificName> <dwc:kingdom>Plantae</dwc:kingdom> <dwc:phylum>Magnoliophyta</dwc:phylum> <dwc:class>Liliopsida</dwc:class> <dwc:order>Orchidales</dwc:order> <dwc:family>Orchidaceae</dwc:family> <dwc:genus>Ophrys</dwc:genus> <dwc:specificEpithet>apifera</dwc:specificEpithet> <dwc:taxonRank>species</dwc:taxonRank> </SimpleDarwinRecord> </SimpleDarwinRecordSet>
Thanks in advance, Jaime
_______________________________________________ tdwg-content mailing list tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-content

On Oct 19, 2009, at 2:18 PM, John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
1) <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> should be <dc:type>Ocurrence</ dc:type>
Or rather, <dc:type>Occurrence</dc:type> (spelling difference) Or is the controlled vocabulary tolerant to spelling mistakes (i.e., are they recorded as synonyms)? -hilmar -- =========================================================== : Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at duke dot edu : ===========================================================

My mistake. The controlled vocabulary isn't tolerant of mistakes, but maybe it should be, given my proclivity for same. I've been told by bewildered bystanders that I should look at what I've typed rather than at what I'm typing. Never took that class. ;-) On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Hilmar Lapp <hlapp@duke.edu> wrote:
On Oct 19, 2009, at 2:18 PM, John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
1) <dctype:type>Ocurrence</dc:type> should be <dc:type>Ocurrence</dc:type>
Or rather, <dc:type>Occurrence</dc:type> (spelling difference)
Or is the controlled vocabulary tolerant to spelling mistakes (i.e., are they recorded as synonyms)?
-hilmar -- =========================================================== : Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at duke dot edu : ===========================================================
participants (3)
Hilmar Lapp
Jaime Bosque