Dan - Your final question "Is there a place to see pending types or those that are under future consideration?" seems to be echoed in the thread at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2011Feb/0131.html My reading of that is that somewhere there is a list of pending IANA registration submissions, at least those of interest to W3C. I am sure I've seen such a thing, but 10 minutes of searching did not turn one up...
If there is an appropriate URI---especially a resolvable, then in AC it would be used with dcterms:format, not dc:format. (Note that there has been advocacy in TDWG that it is OK to use string literals, e.g. "STL" with dcterms properties. I don't concur with that, and in the case of AC I cannot see a reading of the spec that would permit it. That is all a separate issue though.)
Bob Morris
On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Stoner, Dan dstoner@acis.ufl.edu wrote:
The STL media type is used to store 3d geometry information (consumable by CAD software and 3D printing systems). iDigBio has one or more providers who are (or will be) generating STL files by scanning (stereolithography?) museum specimens to generate a 3D model.
The 3D model is an example of digital media that is related to a physical specimen.
I am attempting to determine the proper way to reference this "new" type of media in Audubon Core (dc:format).
Wolfram Alpha suggests "application/sla":
However, other 3d model formats are listed in IANA as "model" types such as "model/x3d-vrml".
The STL format is not listed as an IANA Media Type:
Is there a place to see pending types or those that are under future consideration?
Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.
Dan Stoner iDigBio / ACIS Laboratory University of Florida
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