[Tdwg-lit] Level 1

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Thu Feb 9 20:11:16 CET 2006

Dear all,

thanks for documents, Anna.

The following questions came to my mind.  These
are relevant to Level 1, but some also relevant
to contents of higher levels.

Do we assume ASCII only for human-readable portion,
or do we allow non-ASCII including east European,
Cyrillic and Asian characters?
If we allow non-ASCII, do we expect character
normalisation (senu Unicode)?  Two or more code points
for a single character is not uncommon in Unicode.
If we allow non-ASCII, do we need to restrict some fields
to ASCII, even if the fields values are non-ASCII in 
the original literature?

Do we use standards such as ISO to display date?


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