Different reasons for different GUIDs

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at BIOL.TSUKUBA.AC.JP
Tue Sep 13 15:58:11 CEST 2005

Donald and all,

> However there is probably insufficient benefit for
> us to gain from having a system where strong GUIDs are assigned to every
> taxon concept that any provider wishes to reference.

Exrepssion "every taxon concept" implies that we can establish identity
of taxon concept.  I don't think it is possible execpt potential taxon
sensu Brendsohn (1995), i.e. combination of name string and publication.
What we need for the benefit 3 is not GUID of 'each' taxcon cocnept
but a mechanism to give an approxiamtion of a taxon concept/taxon
concepts (I'm not convince how can I count taxon concepts) can be used
as a granule.

Dr. Nozomi "James" Ytow
Institute of Biological Sciences / Gene research center
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572

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