[tdwg-content] dcterms:creator
Hannu Saarenmaa
hannu at bioshare.com
Thu Jan 13 14:58:40 CET 2011
We would need a term to store the name of the person who has digitised a
sample. The current Darwin Core does not seem to include such term.
Dublin Core's "creator" is what we'd use.
I wonder why not all of the Dublin Core's 15 basic terms are included in
Darwin Core terms web page, but just a subset of them, which subset
seems to be somewhat random to me?
We could also use the DC term "contributor" or something for someone who
has proof-read the digitisation result.
I understand that nothing breaks if we use dc:creator because the Dublin
Core schema loads it along with other elements. But because of this
omission some applications like GBIF IPT omit it from their mapping
capabilities, which is a problem.
Your advise is sppreaciated, Hannu
Hannu Saarenmaa, Project Manager
Digitisation Centre of the Finnish Museum of Natural History
Faculty of Science and Forestry
University of Eastern Finland
P.O. Box 111
FIN-80101 Joensuu
Street address: Länsikatu 15, room 2C113 in Joensuu Science Park
hannu.saarenmaa at helsinki.fi
Telephone +358-13-251-5705
Mobile +358-50-4479668
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