[tdwg-content] GUIDs for publications (usages and names) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Peter DeVries pete.devries at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 03:57:53 CET 2011

> Workflow is an issue. If you want to use a common set of ids, then a person
> entering data must first go to that place where the common ids are curated
> and use that system to find/create the reference they are dealing with. If
> for any reason there is a problem, work stops. At the end of the day, any
> working system will most certainly have an internal, local table of
> citations.

Dima at Eol.org Biodiversity Informatics and I have been trying to work out
some automated way to do this. If you have submitted your list of names to
the GlobalNames.org initiative there should be a URI that you can use to
match that namestring to the identical namestring in a different data set.

These URI's are still a little experimental, but the globalnames index is
not so if you are not submitting your list of names there you should. IMHO

Eventually these URI's will allow you to link to the same namestring in a
different data set by simply using the same algorithm to generate the URI.

In theory, the GNI could then also return an RDF list of other contributing
data sets that have that same name string.

This would automatically allow you to create a URI for your namestring and
find out what other data sets might contain relevant related data.

**Avoiding the manual searching issue you mention above.*

Yes, search interface ... I have the same problem and will get to it once
the schema changing has settled down.

For now you can find things in my knowledge base via the URL

For the entire LOD cloud you can try these sites:




Here is the info on how to contribute your names to the GlobalNames Index.


- Pete

> We intend to deal with this by exposing everything with a local id. But
> when we get around to matching our names (etc) with other systems. we will
> use an OWL "sameAs"  declaration - declaring that the two URIs are different
> semweb names for the same real-world thing (not the same thing as taxonomic
> synonymy).
> As for "creating them all", I generate ids from the Australian Plant Names
> Index and the Australian Faunal Directory, which obviously each have an
> extensive list of publications and citations. You could quite happily use
> our URIs/LSIDs in your data ... or you could if I had a search interface
> written. Which is what Greg asked me to do, back before Christmas. I should
> be doing that now, instead of writing this.
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Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <http://www.taxonconcept.org/> / GeoSpecies
Knowledge Base <http://lod.geospecies.org/>
About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://about.geospecies.org/>
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