[tdwg-content] What is an Occurrence? [followup to "Wrong" RDF and What I learned... threads]
Steve Baskauf
steve.baskauf at vanderbilt.edu
Fri Oct 15 07:50:09 CEST 2010
After the flurry of emails recently, I had an opportunity to carefully
read all the way through the threads again, followed by enforced "think
time" during my long commute. I was actually pretty cheerful after that
because I think that in essence, most of the conversation about what
constitutes an Occurrence really boils down to the same thing. So I
have sat down and tried to summarize what seems to me to be a consensus
about Occurrences. To follow my points, please refer to the diagram at:
Consensus on relationships
1. The fundamental definition of an Occurrence involves evidence that a
representative of a taxon occurred at a place and time.
Note 1.A: For clarity, I have modified John's statement in his last
email by replacing "taxon" with "representative of a taxon". I'm
considering a taxon to be an abstract concept that is applied to
individuals or groups of organisms.
Note 1.B. This definition is far more useful than the official
definition of the class Occurrence "The category of information
pertaining to evidence of an occurrence..." which is essentially circular.
Note 1.C: This statement is extremely broad because the evidence could
be of many sorts, the representative could range from a single
individual to all organisms on the earth, the taxon could be anyone's
definition at any taxonomic level, the place could range from a GPS
point with uncertainty of less than 10 meters to the entire planet
earth, and the time could range from a shutter click of less than one
second to 3.4 billion years.
2. The diagram is an attempt to summarize in pictorial form statements
and relationships that have been described in the thread. The taxon
representative is recorded as existing at a particular time and place
(the arrow) and the result is an Occurrence record. That Occurrence
record exists as metadata which may be associated with a token that can
be used to voucher the fact that the taxon representative existed. That
token may be the organism itself (or a living part of it as in a twig
for grafting), all or part of the organism in preserved form, an
electronic representation such as an image or sound recording, and other
kinds of things like tissue or DNA samples. There may also be no token
at all, in which case we call the Occurrence record an observation.
Based on direct observation of the taxon representative, examination of
one or more tokens, or both, some determiner asserts that a taxon
concept applies to the taxon representative and as a result a scientific
name can be used to "identify" the taxon representative. (There may be
a lot of other complicated stuff above the Identification box, but that
will have to be filled in by the taxonomists.)
Note 2.A: I have mapped onto this diagram the letters that John used in
his last email to refer to entities that are involved in an Occurrence
(T, E, L, O, and G). I will beg the forgiveness of fossil people
because I don't really know how the geological context fits in. I'm
assuming that it is a way of asserting time and location on a much
broader scale than we do for extant organisms.
Note 2.B: I have put a dotted line around the part of the diagram that I
think includes all the things that people might consider part of the
Occurrence itself. I have left out "T" and the other parts related to
identification because it seems to me that you can have an occurrence
that you document which does not yet (and perhaps never will) have an
identification. The Occurrence still asserts that a taxon
representative existed at a time and place; we just don't yet know what
the taxon is.
3. The red lines indicate the relationships that connect the various
entities (I'm going to go ahead and call them resources). Consistent
with popular opinion, the Occurrence record is the center of the
universe and most things are connected to it.
Note 3.A: I am sticking to my guns and refuse to connect the
Identification directly to the Occurrence. It is the taxon
representative that is being identified, not the occurrence. One can
assert another sort of relationship between the identification and the
occurrence if one wants to say that one consulted the occurrence
metadata and token in order to decide about the identification, but it
is not correct to say that the Identification identifies either the
Occurrence metadata or the token (as Rich pointed out).
OK, so that's step one - defining what is related to what. If anyone
disagrees with these relationships, please clarify or create your own
Complicating circumstances/caveats
1. It is noted and recognized that some users will not care to include
all of these relationships in their models. In the interest of
simplification or "flattening" the relationships, they may wish to
collapse some parts of this diagram (e.g. incorporate time and location
metadata within the Occurrence metadata rather than considering them
separate resources, applying scientific names directly to the taxon
representatives without defining a taxon concept or recording the
determination metadata, connecting identifications directly to the
occurrence, etc.). This doesn't mean that the relationships don't
exist, it just means that some users don't care about them.
2. It is recognized that different users will be interested in or able
to specify the various resources to differing degrees of precision.
Examples: A photographer might record times to the nearest second, a
collector may only be interested in noting the date on which a specimen
was collected. A location may be specified to the precision of a GPS
reading or be defined as some geographic or political subdivision. The
taxon representative may be an individual organism, a flock or clump, or
some larger aggregation of taxon representatives.
That's step two. If I've missed any complications, please point them out.
My opinions about the implications of this diagram
1. The circle I've labeled as "taxon representative" is the resource
type that I'm proposing to be represented by the class Individual. You
will note that in both the definition of dwc:individualID ("An
identifier for an individual or named group of individual organisms...")
and the proposed class definition ("The category of information
pertaining to an individual or named group of individual organisms
represented in an Occurrence"), groups of individual organisms are
included. Thus John's example of a fossil having myriad individuals, or
Richard's examples of thousands of plankton, a large school of fish,
herd of wildebeest, flock of
birds, could all be categorized as "Individual" under this definition if
there is a reasonable expectation that all of the individuals in the
group are members of the same taxon. Perhaps there is a better name for
this resource, but since dwc:individualID was already extant, I chose
Individual as the class name for consistency with the pattern
established with other classes and their associated xxxxID terms.
2. Although in note 1.C. I have given the ranges of the various
resources to their logical extreme (as was done previously in the
thread), I think that as a practical matter we can adopt guidelines to
set reasonable values for the "normal" ranges of the resources. One
such guideline might be that we suggest a range that can accommodate
about 95% of the user needs within the community (this came from Rich's
comment about satisfying 95% of the user need with an establishmentMeans
controlled vocuabulary). For example, it was suggested that the range
for the location of an Occurrence could span the entire planet Earth.
True enough, but virtually nobody would find such a span useful. 95% of
users would probably find a range between a GPS reading with 10 meter
precision and the extent of a county or province useful for recording
the location of an Occurrence. I can suggest similar "useful" ranges:
one second to one day for an event time (excluding fossils), one
individual organism to the number of organisms that would fit within a
50 meter radius for an "individual", and taxon identified to family for
plants and maybe mammals, genus for birds, and order for insects. So
framing the definition of an Occurrence in these terms it would be
something like: "An occurrence involves evidence (consisting of a
physical token, electronic record, or personal observation) that a
representative (ranging from a single individual to the number that
would fit on a football field) of a taxon (hopefully identified to some
lower taxonomic level) occurred at a place (determined to a precision
between that of a GPS reading and the size of a county/province) and
time (spanning one second to one day)." A few people might object to
this level of restrictiveness, but I would guess that it would make 95%
of us happy.
3. With the exception of the "missing" class Individual, every resource
type on this diagram except for the "token" and Scientific name has a
Darwin Core class. Every resource type on the diagram except for "token"
has a dwc:xxxxID term that can be used to refer to a GUID for the
resource. The implication of this is that any resource on this diagram
except for the token and taxon representative (i.e. Individual) is ready
to be represented in RDF by Darwin Core terms in the sense that the
relationships (red lines) can be represented by the xxxxID terms and
that the resources can be rdfs:type'd using Darwin Core classes.
(Lacking a class for the scientific name doesn't seem like a big deal to
me since the scientific name can be a string literal - but then I'm not
a taxonomist.)
4. OK, I've avoided it as long as I can, so I'm going to confess now to
the RDF-phobes. The red lines and shapes are something pretty close to
an RDF graph. What that means is that if the community can agree that
this diagram correctly represents the relationships among the kinds of
biodiversity resources that we care about, then the matter of providing
guidelines on how to represent Darwin Core in RDF suddenly gets a lot
simpler. Just convert the "picture" of the RDF graph into XML format
and we have a template. Alright, that's an oversimplification, but I
think it is essentially true because the most difficult part of
achieving a consensus on RDF representations is to decide how we connect
the resource types, not on the literals that we hang onto resources as
5. While I'm beating the RDF drum again, the importance of my opinion
number 2 can be extended into the GUID adoption process. In my comments
to Kevin about the Beginner's Guide to Persistent Identifiers, I think I
commented on the question of how one decides whether a GUID needs to be
assigned to something or not. I believe that the answer to that
question boils down to this: we need a GUID for any resource that will
be referenced by more than one other resource. Do we need to be able to
assign a GUID to Taxon concepts? Yes, because it is likely that many
identifications will want to reference a particular taxon concept. Do
we need to be able to assign a GUID to an Event? Maybe or maybe not.
If every occurrence has its own separate time recorded, then no GUID is
needed because the time is just a part of every separate occurrence
record. If the event is defined to be a time range that represents a
collecting trip, then there may be many Occurrences that are associated
with that trip and all of them could reference the GUID for that event
rather than repeating the event information for every Occurrence. The
point here is that every shape (class of resources) on this diagram at
least has the POTENTIAL to be a node connecting multiple resources and
therefore should have the capability of being assigned a GUID, having
its own RDF record, and being appropriately typed (presumably by a DwC
class). So this is a final technical argument for why we need to have
the DwC class Individual. Whether or not people ultimately choose to
assign GUIDs to particular resource types or not is their own choice,
but they need to at least be ABLE to if they need that resource to serve
as a node given the structure of their metadata.
We need to clarify how the "token" thing fits in, but I'm stopping there
for now. I would very much appreciate responses indicating that:
A. you agree with the diagram and connections (and consider this
definition and diagram a consensus)
B. you disagree with the diagram (and articulate why)
C. you provide an alternative diagram or explanation of the
relationships among the classes related to Occurrences.
Thanks for you patience with another tome.
Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences
postal mail address:
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