[tdwg-content] Why we may need both a more XML-like DarwinCore and a to be developed truly semantic one later.
Peter DeVries
pete.devries at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 03:20:24 CEST 2010
I thought I should follow up in that this representation may appear to be
overly "wordy".
However, in the triplestore this the representation:
<concept> *hasScientificNameURI* <name_uri>
<name_uri> *isScientificNameURI_Of* <concept>
will occupy about ~ 62 bytes - Less that many unicode name strings by
- Pete
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Peter DeVries <pete.devries at gmail.com>wrote:
> I am starting to see some reasons why there might be a need for an more XML
> type version of the DarwinCore and a separate, still undefined buy truly
> "semantic", version that still need to be worked out.
> Part of this is that I think it that most people don't understand the
> semantic issues and will not for sometime.
> So for those who are submitting their data to GBIF, I don't know if they
> have to understand all the somewhat counterintuitive semantic issues.
> Here is an example from one of our earlier discussions - I realized only
> later that I should have brought this up at the time.
> For XML using "scientificName" makes a lot of sense.
> However:
> 1) The current semantic web cannot have literals as subjects.
> 2) Also if you represent knowledge as triples without ontology-based
> inferencing, you need to define predicates that for both "directions" in a
> particular relationship. (In general)
> So if we had a URI for each scientific name we would need to make both of
> the following kinds of statements.
> <concept> *hasScientificNameURI* <name_uri>
> <name_uri> *isScientificNameURI_Of* <concept>
> In the LOD cloud, you cannot assume that everyone will load and be able to
> infer against your specific vocabulary.
> This is, in part, the result of vocabularies not always playing well
> together.
> Also, it is not clear to what extent inferencing will work well on really
> large data sets or for particular projects.
> Eventually this will get figured out, but for now we need predicates that
> can be used to represent both directions. (most of the time)
> Without them you can only query in one direction.
> This was not completely obvious to me until I had a test set and realized
> why I was not able to query it in the ways I wanted.
> So for the more XML-centric DarwinCore there is no problem with using *
> scientificName.*
> For the fully semantic web version, the following pattern might be easiest
> to clearly interpret.
> hasScientificName "Puma concolor (Linnaeus 1771)"
> hasScientificNameURI <
> http://gni.globalnames.org/name_strings/6c3dc35f-d901-5cc5-b9c8-ad241069b9f8
> >
> This makes it clear that the first form is to be used for a literal while
> the second form is to be used for a conventionally resolvable URI.
> Why do we need these name URI's at all?
> Because some groups will need to relate name strings to each other and name
> strings to concepts etc.
> Hard to do when you can't use a literal as a subject. :-)
> Respectfully,
> - Pete
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Pete DeVries
> Department of Entomology
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> 445 Russell Laboratories
> 1630 Linden Drive
> Madison, WI 53706
> TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <http://www.taxonconcept.org/> / GeoSpecies
> Knowledge Base <http://lod.geospecies.org/>
> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://about.geospecies.org/>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <http://www.taxonconcept.org/> / GeoSpecies
Knowledge Base <http://lod.geospecies.org/>
About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://about.geospecies.org/>
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