Neobiota 2008 - conference announcement

Dear colleagues, Institute of Botany, Průhonice & Faculty of Science, Charles University Prague are hosting the 5th European Conference on Biological Invasions NEOBIOTA. The organizing committee is pleased to invite all those who are interested in invasive plants and animals, to register and submit an abstract for either an oral or poster presentation at the conference homepage, where you will find more detailed information about the conference venue, topics accommodation, etc. The conference will take place on 23.-26 September 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic, starting with an invited evening keynote lecture presented by Marcel Rejmánek from the University of California, Davis, USA. The registration is now opened. Please note that the deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is 30 April 2008. Everyone interested in Biological Invasions is invited to participate and share thoughts, opinions and new results. All professions (ecologists, conservation agencies, and stake-holders), all organisms (plants, animals, pathogens, fungi) and ecosystems (marine, freshwater, and terrestrial) will be considered. For sharing the information with your colleagues interested in biological invasions, you may want to use the attached conference flyer. If you have any questions, please, please do not hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to see you next year in Prague Petr Pysek and Vojtech Jarosik (on behalf of the organizing committee)
participants (1)
Marten Winter