Potential student funding for TDWG2005

Potential underrepresented student support for September 2005 Meeting of the Taxonomic Data Working Group (TDWG), St. Petersburg, Russia. We have applied for assistance to the U.S. National Science Foundation to fund up to $3,000 per student for approximately 8 underrepresented (based on gender, ethnicity, disability, and geography) undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students working in or proposing biodiversity informatics projects, to attend the TDWG meetings from September 11-18, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Russia. See http://www.tdwg.org/2005meet/TDWG_2005_Intro.html for the meeting program. The focus of the meeting is on the provisioning and quality of biodiversity data. Provisional symposiums are listed on the web page. Underrepresented students at U.S. institutions who are either U.S. citizens or permanent residents are invited to submit an application describing their studies or research projects in biology or computer science and a brief paragraph about how they expect attendance could further their work. We will especially consider applicants not traditionally included in the taxonomic and informatics community. Application requirements: - Total narrative should not exceed one page (when formated in 12-point Times Roman, single spaced text on an 8.5x11" page with 1" margins) - If relevant, include at most one additional page of references to web links describing projects in which they participate, and papers on which they are joint authors. - Applications may be accompanied by up to two letters of recommendation from faculty members or other professionals aware of the projects described in the narrative and commenting on the student's role and expected benefit. Please send documents in PDF or a format openable in MSWord to Dr. Robert Guralnick (Robert.Guralnick@colorado.edu) by July 3. Awards will be announced by July 8. Applications will be evaluated by a committee composed of Rob Guralnick, Robert A. Morris from the University of Massachusetts at Boston, Annie Simpson at the National Biological Information Infrastructure, Gerald Guala at the US Department of Agriculture and Ginger Ogle at the University of California at Berkeley.
participants (1)
Rob Guralnick