Nomination of TDWG Executive Committee

Dear colleagues and friends of TDWG We will proceed to the elections for the 2013 Executive Committee member during the conference. As a first step, we would like to ask you to sent us Nominations for the different positions. The person you nominate has to have agreed to take on the position, should he or she be elected. Nomination can be for third parties and self-nominations are also accepted. Nominations for people that are not currently member of TDWG are allowed, but would need to become member of TDWG would they be elected. Please sent you nomination to by Monday 22nd of October midnight (Beijing time). Nominations should include - for which position in the executive - Full name - contact details (e-mail of the person) - affiliation (which institution they belong to) - clarification that they are willing to take on the position - a short Biography of the person and why she/he would qualify for the position We expect nomination for following positions - Chair - Treasurer - General Secretary - Regional Secretaries for ° Africa ° Asia ° Europe ° Latin America ° North America ° Oceania On Tuesday 23rd in the morning you will receive another mail with the list of nominations for each position and procedures for voting. Voting will be open until Wednesday 24th of October midnight (Beijing time) Results will be announced Thursday 25th of October early afternoon during the TDWG business teeming. With my best wishes and thanks in advance for your contribution. Patricia Mergen, TDWG General Secretary on behalf of the Executive Committee. Head of the Biodiversity Information and Cybertaxonomy Royal Museum for Central Africa Leuvensesteenweg 13 B-3080 Tervuren Phone:+ 32 2 769 56 26 Fax: + 32 2 769 56 42 E-mail:
participants (1)
Mergen Patricia