Latin American Training Institute in BioEco Informatics

PanAmerican Advanced Studies Institute Cyberinfrastructure for International Collaborative Biodiversity and Ecological Informatics La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica May 31 -- June 12, 2008 The University of Kansas and Florida International University, working with the University of Costa Rica and the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), are hosting a two-week course in biodiversity and ecological informatics at OTS's La Selva Biological Station in northeastern Costa Rica from May 31 through June 12. Thanks to a PanAmerican Advanced Studies Institute Award from the Office of International Science and Engineering at the US National Science Foundation, full scholarships plus airfare are available for US and Latin American graduates. All participation costs will be covered by the award. The program will be in English. Graduate students, postdocs and early-career faculty are strongly encouraged to apply. About 25 participants, half from the U.S. and half from Latin America will be accepted. Only students/researchers from Latin America and from the United States are eligible to apply. The online application and further information, including a draft curriculum is available at: Please note that the application date is rapidly approaching, potential participants need to act quickly. There is also some opportunity for additional resource faculty from the U.S. and from Latin America in the area of bioinformatics who could join the course for various periods during the two week schedule. Please contact Jim Beach, University of Kansas,, or Julio Ibarra, Florida International University,, for more information but see the web site for details.
participants (1)
Beach, James H