Moving forward with Species Profile Model

Dear TDWG Members, Much was achieved for the Species Profile Model over quite a short period in 2007 but we need to ensure that development continues, and, in particular, that the SPM is actually tested in some real world applications so we can learn how to refine and enhance it. I am very happy to report that the first test case will commence soon when starts making species level information available as SPM compatible RDF data from documents processed through the GoldenGate/TaxonX system, and with EOL as the first client for such data. We hope that this will encourage others to also use the SPM for sharing species level information and/or to use such data in novel applications. What next for SPM in the TDWG context? I would highlight the following: 1. consider formally establishing SPM as a task under the Biological Descriptions Interest Group in order to take it forward through the TDWG standards process; 2. identify a champion for SPM who will take it forward; 3. continue to use the TDWG wiki ( as a focal point for sharing information, but 4. also use the SPM mailing list ( hosted by TDWG so that we will have an online archive of discussions; 5. create a core SPM group (open to all) which is credited on the SPM wiki; 6. task the SPM group with the main goal of developing a summary document with review/recommendations on how to move forward on SPM. So, let me know if you are interested in participating in the SPM task group. In addition, as a first essential step, please join the TDWG SPM maining list ( and keep an eye on the SPM wiki ( Best regards, Éamonn ________________________________________________________________ Éamonn Ó Tuama, Ph.D. (, Senior Programme Officer for Inventory, Discovery, Access (IDA), Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, DENMARK Phone: +45 3532 1494; Fax: +45 3532 1480
participants (1)
Eamonn O Tuama