Call for Proposals, SPNHC 2015: Collections and Zoonotic & Human Disease Research

Colleagues: Scientific Collections International (SciColl) is organizing a session at the upcoming SPNHC 2015 meeting on The Role of Collections in Zoonotic and Human Disease Research<>. We invite researchers and collections managers who are using their collections for human and zoonotic disease research to submit an abstract. We are particularly eager to include presentations about collaborations across collections and disciplines, especially with public health, wildlife, livestock and veterinary sciences. SciColl recently hosted a workshop on this topic with 40 representatives from diverse collections and research perspectives. They agreed that greater cross-disciplinary access to samples and data would help in combatting infectious diseases. If you would like to join us, please follow the submission instructions<> provided on the SPNHC 2015 website<>. Please note: * Abstracts are due by January 31st. * To have your submission flagged for this session, answer "yes" to the question "Participant in Titled Organized Session?" at the bottom of the submission form. * Then enter "Engaging Scientific Collections in Zoonotic and Human Disease Research" as the title of the session in the line immediately below. If you have any questions, please email me:<>. We look forward to seeing you at SPNHC! Eileen Eileen Graham, Program Manager Scientific Collections International e:<> p: 202-633-0256 t: @sci_coll<> w:<> [scicoll_logo_color-small]
participants (1)
Graham, Eileen