Full, open proceedings available for DC-2013 in Lisbon

**** Please excuse the cross-posting **** DC-2013 ONLINE PROCEEDINGS =========================== PROCEEDINGS URL: http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2013/schedConf/presentat... CONFERENCE HOME URL (for session descriptions): http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2013/ =========================== The collocated conferences for DC-2013 and iPRES-2013 in Lisbon attracted 392 participants from over 37 countries. In addition to the Tuesday through Thursday conference days comprised of peer-reviewed paper and special sessions, 223 participants attended pre-conference tutorials and 246 participated in post-conference workshops for the collocated events. The peer-reviewed papers and presentations are available on the conference website Presentation page (URLs above). In sum, it was a great conference. In addition to links to PDFs of papers, project reports and posters (and their associated presentations), the published proceedings include presentation PDFs for the following: TUTORIALS: -- Ivan Herman: "Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD)" -- Steven Miller: "Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminology" -- Kai Eckert: "Metadata Provenance" -- Daniel Garjio: "The W3C Provenance Ontology" SPECIAL SESSIONS: -- "Application Profiles as an Alternative to OWL Ontologies" -- "Long-term Preservation and Governance of RDF Vocabularies (W3C Sponsored)" -- "Data Enrichment and Transformation in the LOD Context: Poor & Popular vs Rich & Lonely--Can't we achieve both?" -- "Why Schema.org?" WORKSHOPS: -- Vocabulary Day -- CAMP (Cyber Infrastructure and Metadata Protocols)-4-DATA
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