Deadline: 11 April - Call for Participation, DC-2015 in São Paulo, Brazil

*Apologies for cross-posting* *DCMI 20th Anniversary International Conference & Annual Meeting* *September 1-4, 2015 — São Paulo, Brazil* *"Metadata and Ubiquitous Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities"* *Technical Program Deadlines: * *Peer-Reviewed Papers, Project Reports & Posters* --EXTENDED Submission Deadline: 11 April 2015 --Author Notification: 23 June 2015 --Final Copy: 28 July 2015 *Professional Program Deadlines* *Special & Panel Sessions* --EXTENDED Proposal Deadline: 11 April 2015 --Author Notification: 25 April 2015 *Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations* --Submission Deadline: 14 July 2015 --Author Notification: Ongoing ================= *Conference Website:* *Call for Participation:* *Track Policies:* ================= Join us in São Paulo, Brazil Each of the past 20 years, the metadata community has gathered for DCMI's conference and annual meeting. The work agenda of the DCMI community is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovation in metadata design, implementation and best practices. While the work of the Initiative progresses throughout the year, the annual meeting and conference provide the opportunity for DCMI "citizens" as well as newcomers, students, apprentices, and early career professionals to gather face-to-face to share experiences and knowledge. In addition, the gathering provides public- and private-sector initiatives beyond DCMI that are doing significant metadata work to come together to compare notes and cast a broader light into their particular metadata work silos. Through such a gathering of the metadata communities, DCMI advances its "first goal" of promoting metadata interoperability and harmonization. This year, the annual meeting and conference are being hosted by the Universidade Estadual Paulista--São Paulo State University (UNESP) and held in São Paulo, Brazil. ================= *CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS:* --Universidade Estadual Paulista <!/eng>--São Paulo State University (UNESP) --Dublin Core Metadata Initiative <> (DCMI) ================= *CONFERENCE CHAIRS:* --Silvana Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti, Professor Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil --Plácida Santos, Professor & Conference Chair Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil --Flávia Maria Bastos, CGB Coordinator General Coordination of Libraries Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil --Mariana Curado Malta, Chair, Program Committee CEISE/ISCAP - Polytechnic of Oporto, Portugal Algoritmi Center - University of Minho, Portugal
participants (1)
DCMI Announce