Open call for participation in TDWG2010

From Chris Freeland-
Registration is now open for TDWG 2010 Annual Conference in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, 26 September to 1 October 2010. Visit the conference web site for details, a link to registration, and to reserve accommodations: This year's conference program has been organized in response to the survey of attendees from 2009 in Montpellier, France. You can find the preliminary program online at: The specific points we've addressed this year include: * Providing opportunities for more presentations from more presenters. We have opened the program via this call & have added a round of Lightning Talks so that more people within our community can tell you about the fascinating work they're doing. * Finding a balance between time allotted for plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and working groups. * Combining an excursion with a 2-day biodiversity survey featuring a variety of activities. More details on the biodiversity survey will follow. * More time during coffee & lunch breaks to allow for side discussions. To submit an abstract for this year's conference, please follow the instructions at: Please direct questions to Chris Freeland (tdwg2010 [at] or chris.freeland [at] or Anna Weitzman (editor [at] Chris Freeland Programme Chair, TDWG2010 Director, Center for Biodiversity Informatics, Missouri Botanical Garden Lee Belbin TDWG Secretariat
participants (1)
Lee Belbin