DCMI Webinar, May 20, Modeling Intangible Entities in the Cultural Domains for Digital Archiving

This webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, 21:00 UTC and is free (but registration required). There are a variety of new cultural domains for which we need to design metadata schemas. It is widely recognized that data models are crucial to design metadata schemas – we need to identify objects for which we create metadata. This webinar aims to present a set of generalized data models designed for metadata about resources in cultural domains such as intangible cultural heritage and popular culture. The presenter will first introduce the generalized data models and then discuss data models designed in the Media Arts Database project and related projects in which they are involved. Learning objectives for the webinar * Data Modeling for Digital Archiving of Cultural Entities: Fundamental aspects to model tangible/intangible entities in the cultural domains for organizing them as a digital collection. * Data Modeling for Media Arts (manga (Japanese comics), animation, video games, new media arts and performing arts): Data models as a foundation for metadata schema development in new cultural domains as a case study. * From Item-centric organization to Content-oriented organization of metadata for digital collections: Shift in the organization for digital collections from traditional item-centric resource organization to content-oriented resource organization in the Internet and Linked Open Data environments. About the speaker Shigeo Sugimoto received his BE, ME and PhD degrees from the Department of Information Science, Faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University and specializes in software engineering and computer languages. He joined University of Library and Information Science (ULIS) in 1983. ULIS became the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science at the University of Tsukuba (iSchool@Tsukuba) after an institutional merger in 2002. He has served as a faculty member for over 35 years in Tsukuba until his retirement in 2019. He is now a professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba. He first attended Dublin Core Workshop at Canberra in 1997. Since then, he has been actively involved in the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI). He is a member of the Governing Board of DCMI. His current research interests are technological and fundamental aspects for metadata in the cultural and historical domains, which include intangible cultural heritage, media arts, sports and natural disasters. Register (free) at https://www.dublincore.org/news/2021/05_06_webinar_modeling_intangible_entit...
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