Workshop: NKOS at DC-2017

********PLEASE EXCUSE THE CROSS-POSTING******** *NKOS at DC-2017* *Full-day Workshop at DC-2017, Washington, DC, 26-29 October 2017* _______________________________________________ *:: Workshop Facilitators:* *Joseph Busch*, *Taxonomy Strategies* *Gail Hodges*, *Information International Associates* *:: Time:* 8:30-5:30 DST *:: Date:* 28 October 2017 *:: Session Homepage:* pages/view/sp17-nkos *:: Registration:* pages/view/reg17 *Early registration ends Friday, 15 September 2017. * *Register now and save! * *Full conference and day rates are available.* _______________________________________________ SESSION DESCRIPTION: The 11th U.S. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop will include: (1) Presentations, typically 20 minutes plus discussion time on work related to the themes of the workshop (see below); and (2) Demonstration on work related to the themes of the workshop. WORKSHOP PRESENTERS: *Courtney R. Butler*, *Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City* *Joseph Busch*, *Taxonomy Strategies* *Julaine Clunis*, *Kent State University* *Brett D. Currier*, *Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City* *Susan Pick Dubas*, *World Bank* *Paul Groth*, *Elsevier Labs* *Diane Hillman*, *Metadata Management Associates* *Marjorie Hlava*, *Access Innovations* *Gail Hodge*, *Information International Associates* *Tao Hu*, *Kent State University* *Michael Lauruhn*, *Elsevier Labs* *Sujit Pal*, *Elsevier Labs* *Cristina Pattuelli*, *Pratt Institute* *Jon Phipps*, *Metadata Management Associate*s *Denisa Popescu*, *World Bank* *Jian Qin*, *Syracuse University* *Hannah Sistrunk*, *Pratt Institute* *Dagobert Soergel*, *SUNY Buffalo* *Joseph Tennis*, *University of Washington* *Nicholas Weber*, *University of Washington* *Marcia Zeng*, *Kent State University* For additional information about the workshop, presentations and to register, visit the conference website at http://dcevents.dublincore. org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2017.
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