Dear TDWG-member. I hereby like to draw your attention to our web-site www.taxonomica.com (ENTAX). For this moment this site is used in the Netherlands by the CIW (Dutch Commission for integrated water management) to register all freshwater and marine species within the Netherlands, and to provide each species with a unique TCN-code (Taxon Code Netherlands). Since this system is fully hierarchic, each taxon has a parent. Therefore it was very important for us to organize the higher taxonomic levels. Lately this action has been completed in ENTAX. Choices made for the classification of taxa in ENTAX (downto phylum level) are explained in a document. You can download this document here (<http://forums.taxonomica.com/EnTaxTree001.pdf>). The classification presented merely serves as a starting point open for discussion. Please feel free to participate in the discussion by joining the ENTAX discussion forum (<http://forums.taxonomica.com>). Yours sincerely, Camiel DIjkers
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participants (1)
Camiel Dijkers