[TDWG2013] Upcoming Deadlines

It's just over 5 weeks before the start of the 2013 TDWG Annual Conference in Florence, Italy. http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/ But before we arrive, there are a number of deadlines to keep in mind, the first is: Presentation titles and abstracts are due 25 September (that's Wednesday!!). You will need to register in the Open Conference System, which is separate from other TDWG functions http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/#c1465 Most tours and excursions<http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/#c1460> have deadlines later in October, closer to the meeting, except for the Special Opening of the Vasari Corridor, whose deadline is 27 September --this unique tour http://www.tdwg.org/index.php?id=1178#VasariCorridor will be offered only on our half day off Thursday 31 October. It requires 15 people minimum to sign up, with a maximum of 25 people. Although the early registration deadline has passed, the deadline for normal registration is Monday September 30. Conference registration is handled through RegOnline, which requires a different sign-on http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/#c1466 Nominate members to the TDWG Executive by Tuesday, 1 October http://www.tdwg.org/homepage-news-item/article/call-for-nomination-of-tdwg-e... --we particularly need nominations for Oceania, Asia, and for Treasurer. Onsite meeting registration opens Sunday 27 October at 15:00 and runs to 18:30. Pick up your badge and registration materials. This should also allow those taking advantage of Sunday Excursions time to get back and register before a Welcome Reception at La Specola, starting at 19:00. Luca Bartolozzi will be our host at The Section of Zoology "La Specola," at The University of Florence's Museum of Natural History, which will be open to us during the reception--you won't want to miss this!! http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/#c1507 Florence and its environs provide ample opportunities for accompanying persons to explore. Each day, starting Saturday 25 October and running through 3 November there will be full and half day excursions available for those not attending the meetings. These excursions are exclusively associated with the TDWG meeting and have deadlines closer to the meeting, aside from the earlier mentioned Special Opening of the Vasari Corridor, many have deadlines as early as 24 October. Check out the many offerings and bring family and friends. http://www.tdwg.org/conference-2013/#c1460 Looking forward to seeing everyone in Florence! Ciao! Gail Program co-Chair TDWG 2013 Gail E. Kampmeier Illinois Natural History Survey Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois 1816 So. Oak St. Champaign, IL 61820 www.inhs.illinois.edu/~gkamp<http://www.inhs.illinois.edu/~gkamp>
participants (1)
Kampmeier, Gail E