Dear past present and future members of TDWG, This year I am very late in sending out the usual membership application and renewal form. This is due in part to the fact that I am also very late in (re-)establishing a bank account for TDWG in the US. I have filed the necessary papers with State and Local governments, but I have not yet received the authorization from the State of California. Without a bank account, I cannot accept checks or electronic transfers. Fortunately, we do have our account with RegOnline, which allows us to collect funds with credit cards. TDWG membership dues sustain the organization and entitle members to receive a free copy of any printed TDWG Standard, the TDWG Newsletter, and to vote at meetings. As we have moved into the age of electronic communications, TDWG standards have been published electronically, and the TDWG web site and email lists have replaced the newsletter. Voting rights remain the primary benefit of TDWG membership, which is important this year as several proposed standards will be put before the membership for adoption. What I propose to do in the mean time is to encourage everyone who can to use the RegOnline account to pay dues with a credit card. Even if you are not attending this year's meeting, you can pay membership dues by registering for the meeting at http://www.regonline.com/25832 and selecting the "membership only" registration type. If you cannot use a credit card, please send me an email indicating that you promise to pay annual membership dues (170 Euros - Institutional; 60 Euros - Individual) for the year 2005 via check or electronic transfer after the TDWG bank account has been established (expected in October). With that promise, you will have voting rights at this year's meeting. If you are sending delegates to the annual meeting in St. Petersburg, paying in cash is also an option. With humble apologies for any inconvenience,. Stan Blum TDWG Treasurer, 2005
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Stan Blum