Webinar: Insights into (NHM) Inselect Software, Tuesday 29th March, 11 am EDT (4pm BST)
Hi Everyone,
As BIS (TDWG) members, you've likely heard of Inselect. This upcoming webinar at iDigBio will give an overview of the software, how it can be integrated into existing digitization workflows and a discussion of areas for development and possible future applications. The talk will be of interest to curators, digitizers and IT staff. Inselect is under active development at the NHM. We are very excited to engage with the community and receive feedback and ideas.
*Webinar*: Insights into Inselect Software: automating image processing, barcode reading, and validation of user-defined data
*WEBINAR Announcement and Details https*://www.idigbio.org/content/insights-inselect-software-automating-image-processing-barcode-reading-and-validation-user
*When*: Tuesday 29th March, 11 am EDT (4pm BST) *Presenters*: Lawrence Hudson and Ben Price, Natural History Museum, London. *Where*: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/datamgmt Contact for questions: Lawrence Hudson, Software Developer for Inselect l.hudson AT nhm.ac.uk
The software combines image processing, barcode reading, batch processing and validation of user-defined data to offer a high level of automation. Inselect has been used by curators and digitizers within the Natural History Museum, London, to process in excess of 100,000 specimens so far and is presently being used by several institutions on pinned insects, microscope slides, paleontological specimens, dried sponges and other specimen types.
*Background reading*
PLOS ONE paper on Inselect: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0143402 Home page with source code, issues and releases: https://github.com/NaturalHistoryMuseum/inselect You can install it to try it yourself. Download installer software from the *releases* tab
Best, Deb, et al at iDigBio on behalf of the NHM and Inselect From iDigBio: This webinar brought to you by the Inselect developers and the NHM as one outcome of a break-out group at iDigBio Summit V on ideas for scaling up digitization.
Hi TDWG'ers,
Do you manage digital assets? Do collections or other groups ask you about digital archiving? At iDigBio, we had a webinar on Digital Asset Management -- and folks still had more questions. So, next week there's a webinar and panel session on this topic. Please share widely, thanks! Details next.
Hi Everyone,
Wondering how you might archive and manage the digital resources you are creating? Wondering what your options are? If you have questions, our panelists may have answers...
For Natural History Collections, keeping track of physical specimens, documents, media, and related materials is no small task. Capturing as much of the data from these objects as possible, to provide digital access is another challenge. Then, collections (and libraries, and offices, and ...) need to figure out how to archive these digital resources. What are best practices? Given that financial constraints often exist and the humans involved must spend time learning how to use a Digital Asset Management (DAM) tool, what options are available? What are the small and mid-sized solutions that have been implemented? Where can Natural History Collections find help with making these decisions and setting up the selected solutions?
WHEN: Join us next week, Thursday 28 April, 2:30pm to 3:45pm EDT. DETAILS: https://www.idigbio.org/content/webinar-panel-dams-and-archival-issues-large... WHERE: http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/datamgmt
Please mark your calendars and bring your questions. If you've found a great solution - please contribute! We'd like to compile what's working - as examples for others. If you have something written up about how you decided, how much it costs, and what it's like to implement and maintain, it would be great to put these details up at iDigBio for everyone.
Please share this with any interested parties!
Best, Deb, et al at iDigBio -- Want the best webinar experience possible? check out these hints for Adobe Connect: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Web_Conferencing
(please excuse cross-postings)
participants (1)
Deborah Paul