At the ECAT SSC meeting during GB8 in Oaxaca in 2004 I recall saying that in the absence of a publishing tool to mobilize checklist data we should use DwC and DIGIR and alias some of the fields if required. I further recall the lack of enthusiasm by the 'IT' people present. It looks like this has partly happened just 4.5 years later. But how do we keep all this simply mobilized data sychronized unless this publishing tool (sorry, I've not looked at it in detail ... yet) has some 'services' associated with it so that a consumer can see what's been added and what's changed?
good question, Paul. The IPT does have an embedded data cache and with every new version published it is first uploaded into the cache. At that moment potentially previously existing records, before being removed for performance reasons, are compared to new ones and it is thereby detected which records have changed, which were deleted and which are new. This information is in IPTs first version only accessible via the full dataset dump (aka darwin core archive), but it is planned to expose this also as a pageable atom feed and if requested by serious users, potentially also as OAI-PMH. Markus