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From: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard [] On Behalf Of Lisa Schiff
Sent: 13 May 2008 22:09
Subject: [METS] CDL releases eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) 2.1

**This announcement is being sent to many lists; apologies in advance for duplication.**



Contact: Lisa Schiff

California Digital Library

University of California, Office of the President

415 20th St., 4th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 587-6132


California Digital Library Announces New Release of the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF)


Oakland, CA, May 12, 2008 - The California Digital Library (CDL) is pleased to announce a new release of its search and display technology, the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) version 2.1 (

).  XTF is an open source, highly flexible software application that supports the search, browse and display of heterogeneous digital content.  XTF offers efficient and practical methods for creating customized end-user interfaces for distinct digital content collections. 


Highlights from the 2.1 release include:


A complete list of changes is available on the XTF Project page on SourceForge, where the distribution (including documentation) can also be downloaded.


Since the first deployment of XTF in 2005, the development strategy has been to build and maintain an indexing and display technology that is not only customizable, but also draws upon tested components already in use by the digital library and search communities - in particular the Lucene text search engine, Java, XML, and XSLT.  By coordinating these pieces in a single platform that can be used to create multiple unique applications, CDL has succeeded in dramatically reducing the investment in infrastructure, staff training and development for new digital content projects. 


XTF offers a suite of customizable features that support diverse intellectual access to content.  Interfaces can be designed to support the distinct tools and presentations that are useful and meaningful to specific audiences.  In addition, XTF offers the following core features:

These basic features can be tuned and modified.  For instance, the same bookbag feature that allows users to store links to entire books, can also store links to citable elements of an object, such as a note or other reference.


A sampling of XTF-based applications both within and outside of the CDL include:






Lisa Schiff, Ph.D.
Technical Lead, Publishing
California Digital Library
300 Lakeside Drive #745
Kaiser Center
Oakland, CA 94612
510-987-0881 (t)
510-987-0243 (f)