Speak of the...umm...devil... :-)
This is essentially a "degree-of-interest" tree, which has been around for a while (e.g.,
http://www.parc.xerox.com/research/projects/sensemaking/visualization_intera ction/default.html)
and the underlying concept dates back to the '80s.
What was that tool you had implemented for visualizing trees, which I referenced in my previous email?
It looks nice, but the hierarchy shown is shallow and not too broad. That said, this would be a fun way to display a classification like ITIS. However, at some point we need to ask whether "fun" translates into usability.
This is a good point. Usability needs to trump sex appeal. But "fun" can do something that usability oftentimes can't: engage people who might otherwise not be engaged. All new approaches to interface haves hampered usability in the beginning. The question is, is it simply a matter of getting used to a new interface, or does the interface just plain suck even after you get to know how to use it? You can't always tell from first impressions.
Some of the coolest visualisations turn out to be difficult to use ( e.g., hyperbolic trees).
That's it! Hyperbolic trees. I, for one, found it very useful. Rich