Greetings Everyone and Happy New Year 2025,
One Planet, Shared Futures
RE: Art Needed for Silent Art Auction
At SPNHC 2025, we plan to highlight the potential of the intersection of Art and Science (e. g. collections and collecting). Chandra Earl and Deb Paul are proposing a suite of events including a Silent Art Auction, an Artist's Corner, and an Unconference session around this topic. With these activities, we see the potential to extend the conference’s reach and impact beyond its traditional audience and inspire more cross-discipline/domain collaborations and communication.
For the Silent Art Auction, SPNHC members and anyone
(you!) can donate personal or collections-based art to be
auctioned with proceeds benefiting the SPNHC Student Travel Fund.
A. If you have art you would like to contribute to this event, please
fill out this Google Form which is
Thank you to all who have donated so far!
B. If you would like to help organize any of these associated
events with us, please contact Chandra (cc'd) or myself.
Inquiries welcome.
With so much gratitude,
STEAMed SPNHC: One Planet, Shared Futures
Deborah Paul, Chandra Earl, and on behalf of all the artists in
all our communities
PS Yes, please cross-post!
-- - Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison - Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois -- Natural History Collections and Museomics NHCM Editor-in-Chief -- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Past Chair 2021-2022 -- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment -- Species File Group and Events