We are looking for someone to extend and establish the generality of the concept extraction methods from scanned literature developed by Lu et al (2008), targeting the biodiversity domain. The applicant will have at least a functional understanding of image analysis (feature extraction), document layout (reverse-engineering a DTD), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a broad familiarity with taxonomic systems relating to biodiversity (for concept relationships). Ideally you will have expertise in one or more of these areas and the ability to learn quickly is essential. The job will be based at the Open University in Milton Keynes, collaborating with The Natural History Museum, London, and is initially a 1 year contract. Part of the job will be developing further grant proposals which may extend the period of employment. Salary is in the region of £30,000 pa. Further details of the application process will be available shortly but will include a CV plus, if you feel it is not clear from your CV, a statement of your skills or experience relevant to this project. The project will start on 1st October. Further details are available at http://editwebrevisions.info/content/jobs. Expressions of interest are invited. Please contact: Dr David Morse (email: d.r.morse_at_open.ac.uk, phone +44 (0) 1908 858 463, fax +44 (0) 1908 652 335). -- Dr D.McL. Roberts, Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5086 European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy Project, Ccordinator WorkPackage 6 (Unifying Revisionary Taxonomy), Dept. Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD Great Britain Email: dmr@nomencurator.org Web page: http://www.editwebrevisions.info/ Web page: http://www.e-taxonomy.eu/ -- In general, it is easier to get forgiveness than to get permission. --