Supercharge your biodiversity collection's education and outreach activities this October 18–21 with WeDigBio 2018.  The WeDigBio support team just published a short blog post that positions onsite event hosts for success.  Check it out at  And if you are teaching this semester, consider adding WeDigBio activities to your syllabus. Personally, I’ve had a lot of success doing the activities posted at in my Field Botany class.  The students transcribe 30 professionally done labels then reflect on what about the formatting and content makes the info maximally useful (or less so) for research.  Then, they start on their own collections, making their own labels.  To learn more about the Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections, check out the recently refreshed or send the support team an email at  

Austin, on behalf of the big team of WeDigBio organizers

Austin Mast · Professor · Department of Biological Science · 319 Stadium Drive · Florida State University · Tallahassee, FL 32306-4295 · U.S.A. · (850) 645-1500 ·