Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit an abstract for the
“Biodiversity Informatics” session in the forthcoming Earth and
Space Sciences Informatics programme of the European Geosciences Union General
Assembly to be held in Vienna, 19-24 April 2009. The main objective of this
session is to highlight the value of adopting informatics standards for both
Biodiversity and Earth and Space Science disciplines thereby promoting
interoperability across heterogeneous systems and, in particular, demonstrating
how the kinds of observational data mobilised by the Global Biodiversity
Information Facility network can be integrated with other geospatial data to
address issues relating to climate change, protected area management, invasive
species, etc.
General information:
Biodiversity Informatics Session:
Guidance on abstract submission:
Authors are invited to submit abstracts by Tuesday 13
January 2009.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
me or one of the co-convenors of the session, and please feel free to forward
this message to others who may be interested.
Convenor: Éamonn Ó Tuama; eotuama at
Co-convenor: Hannu Saarenmaa; hannu.saarenmaa at
Co-convenor: Jeremy Kerr; Jeremy.Kerr at
With regards,
Éamonn Ó Tuama
Éamonn Ó Tuama, Ph.D. (,
Senior Programme Officer,
Inventory, Discovery, Access (IDA),
Global Biodiversity
Information Facility Secretariat,
Universitetsparken 15,
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, DENMARK
Phone: +45 3532 1494; Fax: +45 3532