Since 2014, LifeCLEF has been organizing large-scale challenges on biodiversity identification and prediction in the context of the CLEF international conference. The annual workshop is a unique opportunity to bring together specialists from different backgrounds: machine learning, ecology, citizen science, biodiversity conservation. It is also an opportunity to have an overview of the state of the art of artificial intelligence techniques for (i) the identification of plant and snake species by images, (ii) the recognition of bird sounds and (iii) the prediction of species distributions from remote sensing images.

The registration to CLEF conference is FREE but MANDATORY. 


Provided schedules are in Central European Summer Time (CEST, e.g. Paris)
For Pacific Daylight Time (PDT, e.g. California): -9
For Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST, e.g Brisbane): +8

11:30 - 13:00 LifeCLEF session 1 - chair: Alexis Joly

11:30-12:05 Keynote talk - Jessie Oliver (Queensland Univ. of Tech) - Designing citizen science technologies that support people learning and improving artificial intelligence
12:05-12:20 BirdCLEF challenge overview - Stefan Kahl (Cornell, Chemnitz univ.)
12:20-12:30 BirdCLEF participant - Jean-Francois Puget (NVIDIA) - STFT Transformers for Bird Song Recognition
12:30-12:45 SnakeCLEF challenge overview - Lukáš Picek (Univ. of West Bohemia)
12:45-13:00 PlantCLEF challenge overview - Hervé Goëau (CIRAD, PlantNet)

15:30 - 17:00 LifeCLEF session 2 - chair: Hervé Goëau

15:30-16:00 Invited talk - Marijn van der Velde (EU JRC)
16:00-16:15 GeoLifeCLEF challenge overview - Titouan Lorieul (Inria, univ. of Montpellier)
16:15-16:25 SnakeCLEF participant - Louise Bloch (Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund) - EfficientNets and Vision Transformers for Snake Species Identification Using Image and Location Information
16:25-16:35 GeoLifeCLEF participant - Sachith Seneviratne (Univ. of Melbourne) - Contrastive Representation Learning on remote sensing imagery for species habitat prediction
16:35-17:00 Invited talk - Sara Beery (Caltech)







For more information or to ask questions, please send an email to

Best regards,

Alexis Joly
Research director at Inria / Univ. of Montpellier / LIRMM 
Montpellier, FRANCE