Greetings Everyone,

A new paper out as of yesterday:

Workshop Report: Supporting inclusive and sustainable collections-based research infrastructure for systematics (SISRIS). Weeks Andrea, Collins Elizabeth, Majors Twanelle W, Murrell Zack E, Paul Deborah L, Sheik Matthew, Shorthouse David P, Zeringue-Krosnick Shawn (2024) in Research Ideas and Outcomes 10: e126532.

Natural history and science collections are as much about the people who create them as they are about the specimens. Documenting the contributions of collectors and identifiers both past and present: 1) advances collections-based research and 2) creates a more accurate and inclusive historical and future networked account (think metrics and impact) of biodiversity science. This report published 20 May describes our efforts to move the systematics community to action through a series of US national workshops and symposia. The goal was to spotlight the power of "people-data" that can be leveraged using next-generation biodiversity informatics tools. If you attended the 2024 Prairie Research Institute Lightning Symposium, you heard a bit about the potential for this work to be done at PRI in the talk: Realizing the Impact of Who: getting (more) credit and discovering impact.

All of us (as authors) are happy to answer any questions any of you might have and look forward to hearing how this work supports your needs to discover, show, and expand impact at multiple community levels along with the extended specimen.

Thanks much for sharing this paper in your spheres of influence! Much gratitude!

Special thanks to David Shorthouse -- for Bionomia and the vision for this work.

Debbie, and all the authors

(PS much cross-posting)

- Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison
- Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois
-- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Past Chair 2021-2022
-- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment
-- Species File Group and Events