---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Claire Kremen <ckremen@gmail.com>
Date: Jun 10, 2008 3:24 PM
Subject: Biodiversity Informatics/Conservation Planning Specialist for Madagascar (with attachment)

Dear Colleagues

Please circulate widely!    Best wishes, Claire Kremen

Biodiversity Informatics/Conservation Planning Specialist for Madagascar

University of California, Berkeley


The Reseau de la Biodiversite de Madagascar (REBIOMA), joint project of University of California and Wildlife Conservation Society, works to support science-based marine and terrestrial conservation planning, through creation of a web-based biodiversity information system, capacity building, and development of conservation plans.  We seek a scientist to provide technical support for conservation planning (marine and terrestrial); contribute to development of the REBIOMA web-portal; build capacity of the REBIOMA team; conduct grant management and project coordination.  One year position (renewable contingent upon funding) available as soon as Aug 1, 2008, at the Assistant or Associate Specialist level (salary commensurate with experience ($38952 - $48372), reporting to Prof. Claire Kremen.  Advanced degree in environmental field; experience in GIS, conservation planning and/or biodiversity informatics.  Successful candidate should have experience in project management, good interpersonal skills, knowledge of French, and willingness to spend significant time in Madagascar.


Submit a CV, brief letter, and names and contacts of 3 references to Jeanne G. Kassis (Position #101, Berkeley Natural History Museums, 3101 Valley Life Science Building, UC Berkeley, CA 94720  or by email attachments to kassj@berkeley.edu by July 26, 2008.  Further information about the position and project is available at http://nature.berkeley.edu/kremenlab/kremen_research.html and attached..  The University of California, Berkeley, is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to excellence through diversity.

Claire Kremen
Assistant Professor
Environmental Sciences Policy and Management
137 Mulford Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114

Fax 510-642-7428
