DCMI 2024: Call for Participation

Metadata Innovation: Trust, Transformation, and Humanity

October 20-23, University of Toronto, Canada

DCMI 2024, the twenty-second International Conference on Dublin Core and
Metadata Applications, invites researchers, practitioners, and experts
from diverse domains to explore the dynamic landscape of metadata in the
theme of Trust, Transformation, and Humanity. The fast-paced advances in
artificial intelligence (AI) create new research fronts for metadata.
While AI can bring benefits to research, learning, and society at large,
it has also supercharged deepfake contents that are used for nefarious
purposes. Ensuring trustworthy AI and applications is the first line in
responsible metadata research and practice and in fighting the
misinformation, disinformation, and deepfake contents. Metadata is
quickly expanding its role in providing transparent, trustworthy, and
effective representation of data, information, and knowledge in the
transformation from “data about data’’ to data-underpinned knowledge. In
this expansion of metadata roles, we strive to bring innovative metadata
ideas, projects, and practices together to foster and protect

DCMI 2024 serves as a unique platform for the discussion of “innovative
research and practice” - presenting visions for future metadata
development and solutions to practical metadata problems. Join
researchers, practitioners, and experts from a wide range of sectors in
a collaborative exploration of metadata’s evolving role through your
papers, posters, panel discussions, best practice reports,
designathon/hackathon, workshops, and more.  

DCMI 2024 will feature exclusively in-person meetings, with the
exception of workshops, which may be conducted either in-person or

Key areas:

Under the conference theme Metadata Innovation: Trust, Transformation,
and Humanity,  the DCMI 2024 conference welcomes submissions on the
following topics broadly related to metadata design, deployment, and
best practices (but not limited to):

-   Data Integrity and Reliability: Innovative metadata research and
    practices that ensure data integrity, accuracy, and reliability.

-   Ethics and Metadata: Addressing ethical considerations in metadata
    creation and management to build trust.

-   Adaptation to Emerging Technologies: Transforming metadata
    constructs and systems to enable the full utilization of
    technologies in AI, linked data, and knowledge bases.

-   Metadata and Data Science: Application of data science theories and
    methods in developing linked, intelligent metadata to facilitate

-   Metadata for the Public Good: The implications and significance of
    metadata in trustworthy AI; the role of metadata in supporting the
    fight against nefarious deepfakes, misinformation, and
    disinformation; open data, open science, and open metadata.  

-   Cultural and Social Dimensions of Metadata: Digital humanities and
    metadata, semantic and computational metadata for cultural heritage
    objects, equitable metadata representation for historical materials,
    and critical study of metadata theories, practices, standards, and

-   Interoperability and Reusability: Solutions and practices in
    creating FAIR metadata, case studies of data reusability fostered by
    metadata, and new data structures and models supporting metadata

Submission Guidelines

-   At least one author of an accepted submission must be physically
    present at the conference to present the work in person (*with an
    exception of the student forum).

-   Submissions must follow the guidelines for one of the categories
    enumerated below.

-   All submissions must be in English.

-   All submissions must be made via the Submission System,

-   Submissions must be a single Portable Document Format (PDF) along
    with the document’s source.

-   The source file should be Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), or LaTeX
    files in a single compressed zip file (.zip).

-   Authors are required to include their ORCID in their submissions.


-   All submissions must use the official DCPapers template for DCMI
    conference proceedings.

-   Templates for both Microsoft Word and LaTeX are available in the
    DCPapers template repository. Template files can be downloaded from

-   Any modification to the template, including but not limited to
    adjustments in margins, typeface sizes, line spacing, paragraphs,
    and list definitions, is discouraged.

-   Users of Microsoft Word are required to install the Libertinus font
    family on their computer. The DOCX template contains detailed
    installation instructions.

-   Users familiar with LaTeX should prefer the LaTeX template.

-   An Overleaf template is available at

-   Please use GitHub issues exclusively for inquiries and reporting
    template-related issues at github.com/dcmi/dcpapers-templates/issues

-   Detailed formatting guidelines are included in both the DOCX and
    LaTeX templates.

-   Authors are required to add their ORCID in the submission as
    indicated in the templates.

Submission categories


-   The open-access conference proceedings are indexed by Scopus, DBLP,
    Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ACM, and Crossref. Online
    proceedings will be available before the start of the conference.

-   Presentation slides, poster slide images, and student forum extended
    abstracts will be published on the DCMI website.

Full papers

Full papers either describe innovative work in detail or provide
critical, well-referenced overviews of key developments or good

-   8-10 pages, single-spaced, plus references

Short papers

Short papers are narrower in scope than full papers and may be either a
description of work in progress, or a project report that concisely
describes a specific model, application, or activity.

-   4-5 pages, single-spaced, plus references


Panel sessions are organized by experts in a specific area of metadata.
Each panel serves as a focused exchange regarding the latest research
and/or best practice in the area.

-   1-2 page abstract with panelists’ bios of 100-150 words each


Workshops engage participants in active work to address one or more
well-defined problems or issues. The style of workshops may vary
depending on the organizers, and may include
presentation/discussion-based or problem-solving-based activities.

-   3-4 hours (half-day) or 6-8 hours (full-day)

-   1-2 pages of descriptions

-   Objectives

-   Format (In-person or Virtual)

-   Names of organizers

-   Event plan (Agenda or Activities)

-   Descriptions will be included in the online Proceedings

Conference registration is required (Full registration or one-day

Project reports

Project reports are for the presentation, demonstration, and evaluation
of work-in-progress related to metadata best practices.

-   2-page abstract, single-spaced, plus references


Posters are for the presentation of projects, research under
development, or late-breaking results.

-   2-page abstract, single-spaced, plus references


Tutorials introduce specific topics of current interest in metadata
practice, optionally including hands-on practice. Proposals for
tutorials must include:

-   2-3 page proposal including:

·       Title of tutorial and topic to be covered (2-3 paragraphs)

·       Target audience and expected learning outcomes

·       Tutorial style: lecture, demonstration, hands-on practice, etc.

·       Any prior knowledge required (e.g., RDF, programming languages)

·       Whether participants must (or should) bring laptops or install
software beforehand

·       Presenter bios (100-150 words each)

Student Forum

The student forum aims at providing an opportunity for master’s and
doctoral students to share their experiences and exchange ideas of best
practices, research in progress, and findings in areas related to
metadata innovation.

-   Less than 1500 words plus references

-   All presenters at the student forum will receive free registration
    for the conference

-   All presenters participating in the Student Forum will automatically
    qualify for the Student Forum Award competition. Winners will be
    chosen by the Student Forum Committee, and they will receive prizes
    of $300 for first place and $200 for second place to assist with
    travel expenses.

Important Dates

Deadlines for submissions:

-   Papers (full and short), Panel, and Workshop: April 15th, 2024,
    23:59 (AoE)

-   Posters, Project Reports, Student Forum, and Tutorials: May 27th,
    2024, 23:59 (AoE)

-   Best Practices and Talks are by invitation

Notification to authors:

-   Paper, Panel, and Workshop: June 17, 2024

-   Poster, Project Reports, Student Forum and Tutorials: June 24, 2024

Final copy of papers due: July 8, 2024

Ayoung Yoon, Ph.D.

Program Chair, DCMI 2024