TDWG 2005 - St. Petersburg, Russia, 11-18 September 2005 Dear Colleague, Contact Preference Announcement: You are receiving this bulk message because, recently or in the past few years, you have expressed interest in attending an Annual Meeting of the Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG). If you would prefer to NOT receive messages from the TDWG with regard to meetings please accept my apologies for troubling you and send e-mail to me at this address: A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk with Subject line "TDWG - Remove from mailing list" This important message is addressed specifically to anyone who sent e-mail to the recommended hotel focal point (<mailto:shelfort@peterstar.ru>shelfort@peterstar.ru) during the period 2 June - 8 June 2005. Unfortunately, due to technical problems at the hotel all incoming e-mails were lost. If you sent mail to the hotel and have not received a reply please contact them again immediately. Regards, Adrian Rissone Secretary and Meeting Coordinator Taxonomic Databases Working Group E-mail: A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk with Subject line "TDWG 2005" (please do NOT reply to this listserv, which is for distribution only)