Dear TDWG members,
We?d like to invite experts of any kind of expertise on alien species (e.g. distribution, data collections, policy, taxonomy etc.) to this registry:
*European Alien Species Expertise Registry at* _www.europe-aliens.org_
· Join one of the largest expertise registries
· Use the information on nearly 1500 experts from 89 countries for more than 2800 taxa
· 100-300 visits per day on our webpage
Within the EU project DAISIE the European Alien Species Expertise Registry collects the expertise of experts for species that are actually alien in Europe or may become so. Thus, unlike its title, we want to gather the expertise of experts from all over the world, since species alien to Europe arrive from throughout the world.
The expertise registry contains details for individual experts with respect to taxonomic expertise, geographic units, and thematic areas (such as distribution, conservation, restoration, ecology, economical impact, genetics, legislation, administration, management, control, pathways, transportation, physiology, and risk assessment).
One of our purposes is to evaluate where areas of taxonomic expertise need to be developed. This large registry is also of considerable value when searching for expertise and for making contacts world-wide. The DAISIE registry is open to the public, for governmental bodies and for stakeholders.
Please take the time to register at _www.europe-aliens.org_, then click on Alien Species Expertise Registry
The registry is self explanatory, and it will take only 5 minutes. We would be grateful if you could forward this message to other experts potentially interested in joining this registry.
Thank you very much, kind regards, Marten Winter